Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kitten question?

how old does a kitten have to be to able to be spayed?
Generally 5-6 months old. But someplaces now will do it earlier. If you have it done earlier, then you may run into some complications. But I would have it done no later than 6 months of age, because anytime after that she could come into heat.
4-6 months depending on the vet. normally they wait until 6 but it can be done at 4-5 months
I think 2 months
I think more importantly its the weight of the cat. They have to be able to take anesthesia.
At least 4 months old is preferred but do it before the kitten is one year old or it can be dangerous to it's health as at one year old it's fully grown.
talk to the vet that you want to have it done at.
4-6 months
Depends there is a bit of controversy still around speying at 8 weeks however many animal shelters will do this.
Most vets spey and neuter at 6 months, this is just prior to sexual maturity so the animal doesn't go through a heat first.
My local SPCA has a vet on staff, so all animals get neutered before they are adopted. For kittens, once they weigh 2 lbs. they can be spayed. My kitten had just been spayed when I adopted her, and she was 10-12 weeks old.
Some veterinarians are willing to do it as early as 2 months old. I recommend having it done at 4-6 months before she comes into her first heat. You can do it at any age but it is easier on the cat if you do it at a young age.

When you have your cat spayed, you will have to confine her to a small pen or area for about 10 days after the surgery. She will need to be kept calm and not get hyper or excited because she could open her incision or cause a hernia.
five to six months you can research it here(O:
Yes, the weight of the kitten is how most vets go, in my state the male kitten must away abour 3 lbs and a female 4 lbs. I am totally against this, the kittens can be fairly young for this type of surgey, young as about 4 weeks old.

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