Friday, July 31, 2009

Litterbox problems?

My kitten, who is now 5 months old, usually has no problems using the litter box. However, every once in a while (about once a week), she will go over to my leather sofa and urinate on it. There doesn't seem to be a pattern for her behavior. This morning, for example, she pooped in the box, then about 5 minutes later ran over to the sofa and urniated there. I cleaned up the poop immediately, by the way. I am at a loss of what to do.
This is most likely caused by one of two things:
1) If she's not spayed, she may be "marking her territory". Although that's more typical of males, some females also spray, especially when they are in season.
2) Urinary Tract Infection. Cats have no way to let us know other than by inappropriate elimination. Call the vet to see if you should bring in a urine sample for testing.

Some of the behavioral suggestions for training her are good, so I won't reinvent the wheel here.

Good Luck!!
go to your local pet store or vets office and ask for a spray they have that detours animals from going where there not suppose to
your kittin is marking it's territory you need to either teach it not to do this and or get it fixed as fixed cats have less tendency to mark their territory
How many litter boxes do you have? If only one try adding a second. There is a product to get the smell out called zero odor. you can purchase this online. It was a little expensive, but it works.
If she is always peeing in the same spot you really have to get the smell completley out. Let her know it's not ok for her to go there, catching her is key. Pick her up and tell her NO and put her in her litter box. Once this happens it can be hard to break. You should bring her to your Vet if you can, urine infections can cause a cat to act this way. But if it is behavoiral, then you just have to stay on top of it.
you said she, so it's a female? Male cats are more apt to "mark" their territory, but females can too. do you have any other cats? If so, there is likely a problem of sharing the litter box. I had to get another box when I had two cats. If there is a spray that works to prevent cats from urinating in certain places, that would be great. Just check to see if there is an "after-odor" unpleasant for humans too! Also, kittens can learn changed behavior. Try using a rolled-up news paper (never use your hand) and slightly tap the kitten (preferably on the snout) with the paper when she urinates on the sofa. That might just work.
Good Luck!
We had a similar problem with our kitten, he use to urinate on the carpet.
What I did was, Pick him up, put his nose into it , just a little, and said NO ! In a stern voice. The placed him back in the litter box until he go the picture.

Remember, Cats and Dogs, can hear things a couple of more times louder than we can, and will easily pick up that you are upset.

Good Luck
how offten do you clean your tray? A cat will not go into a dirty litter box try cleaning it 4 times a week and scooping it out every night that should help

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