Thursday, July 30, 2009

kitty love.?

i have a cat that is a 2 yr old runt. he weighs 9lbs, 3 oz. my vet is a little nervous about fixing him until he is at least 9.5 lbs. however, he enjoys having 'kitty sex' with the blankets off my bed. as a result, i either have to wash my bedding every other day, or sleep in kitty-come. EWW!! how do i get him out of this habbit? since he is otherwise healthy, is getting him fixed my only option?
1. Locate new Vet

2.Have kittly snipped by a new Vet

3.Send old Vet your drycleaning bill!

find a different vet.
Unfortunately, yes.
eww is right, why won;t your vet fix him, all my cats are fixed as kittens, and none of them had ever weighed 9 lbs before the had the surgery
My adult cat weighs 7.5 pounds and she was fixed just fine. I would look for another vet, most cats are fixed as kittens, whats the difference.
Your vet is on drugs!
Your vet's a quack! The best time to fix a tom is 10 - 14 months old. It has nothing to do with body weight.

Get a second opinion, dear, and fix your puss.

Ha, ha - quack, quack!!
Get him his own blanket and some furry toys. Then make him stay out of your bedroom.
When you are gone, shut your bedroom door! Just until you can find another vet.
I agree with those that said get a new vet. Your cat's weight by no means makes him a runt. My local SPCA spays/neuters after a kitten reaches 2 lbs., which is about 4 mo.
YES, GET HIM FIXED! that's right, eeewww!

That vet is an IDIOT! Find a new one, BETTER one SOON!
just locking them together..
I agree find a new vet. I have a Siamese and she weighs only about 7lbs and I got her fixed when she was only 2lbs. Always get a second opinion because vets can be wrong.

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