Friday, July 31, 2009

live cougars/mountian lions in your area! watch out!?

no joke
Yes, in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India--there was a mountain lion spotted living on our property! We do have to watch out!
Okay, Chicken Little, what is your question?
there's one that roams around where i work.niiiice kitty.
and what are would that be??
yes all of Vancouver Islander's should be on the lookout for cougers..and children in rural areas should be walked to school with an adult present
what are you talking about i live in hawaii
I live on a street that backs up on open space. In the last two years almost all the outdoor cats have "disappeared". I suspect there is a coyote (CA) who is availing itself of the "free lunch".

We do have some outdoor cats that are still around. The young cat next door was hit by a car. Fortunately he is OK. I don't know where he roams and I definitely told the neighbor to keep him inside after dark.
YES in Chariton Iowa, as the people in charge of the enviroment actually brought some in to "balance" nature-- didn't tell us for a few years though! I think they did it due to coyotes. Now outside pets have to battle both. I noticed the last few years that fox are living in town and feel this is due to the cougars/coyotes. Glad i live in town. So for us, this is TRUE!

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