Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kitty boogers-normal?

I have always been in the habit of keeping my cats eyes, ears and nose clean-so that they get used to the vet touching them when they have to go for checkups and such- plus its a good way to know if my cats are healthy. Anyways- My kitten seems to have lots of dark "boogers" could it be from dust in the house? the litter? The other cats dont have them.? Should I be conserned of just keep my eyes open.. this is not something new with my kitten.
Hi there.just like humans, cats eye ducts produce fluid to keep the eyes moist. When sleeping they seep out of the corner of the eyes where you see them dry into the eye boogers in the inside corners of their eyes. It's quite normal and it's a good idea from time to time to gently wipe them away. Some cats will also get a little build up around the nose as well and this is fine too.
probably dust from litter. the eye boogers are normal
Cats get eye goo and boogers just like humans. The difference is in kitty's hygiene. Some cats are very particular and will keep their faces cleaner than others.
Kity boogers are soooo normal just keep cleaning them every once in a while.
i would say it sounds pretty normal..prob due to normal living conditions, however in saying that you wouldnt want to notice them on the cat all the time..if that was the case maybe get it checked out.
Where ARE the boogers? In the eyes? If so, it can be normal. Our male keeps his face really clean and hardly ever has eye boogs.but our female gets HUGE ones before she finally cleans 'em off (or I wipe 'em away). But if it looks funny at all, talk to your vet. You don't want a possible infection to go untreated.
We have a kitty who always has eye and nose boogers that are dark. I'm always cleaning them out. I asked the vet and he said the kitty was fine and just to continue to clean them out. Don't stress about it. :) I'd bring it up on your next vet visit, but until then, your kitty is fine.

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