I have a seemingly healthy kitty with no wounds. I noticed 3 maggot-like things in the area of his butt today. They were white, about the size of a grain of rice, and could sort of expand and contract themselves. I haven't noticed anything different in his diet or behavior - no excessive scratching, etc. He seems perfectly normal. He spends a lot of time outdoors, and I live in a semi-rural area. Could this be something he picked up outside, or does he have a worm/larvae issue?
Those are just tapeworms and you just need wormer to get rid of them. My cats have had these too. My cats seemed normal too when they had worms. The ony reason I knew they had worms was how you found out, seeing them in the same area you saw them! These things are sooo gross, but are treated pretty easily. Good luck!
See if there is more in his poo. It sounds like worms. Parasitic worms don't move.
Sounds like a worm issue. Go buy a kitty dewormer from your local Wally world
No, these are worms, usually from swallowing a flea or two from when they groom themselves. Your vet or a feed store will have treatment for this. I know, it's icky, but it is normal and treatable.
He probably has worms. Take him to the vet as soon as possible.
I would have him checked by a vet. Sounds to me like he has worms. They have medicine for them and it is not very expensive.
Its worms..
worms! take to vet
well most likely pin worms. get a good dewormer and well time to clean the house. get some bleach and ammonia and go to town on the floors and anywhere the cat has been especially. not real bad but if you have kids it might be time to talk to them about worms or talk to your doc to see if there is anything you should be watching for.
yep,tape worms,they get it from eating critters outside
yes, those are called roundworms. you should submit a fresh fecal sample to your veterinarian so that it can be properly tested (usually takes about 10 minutes to run the test and costs about $10-$20 or something cheap like that). he will then give you some pills (drontal is what i believe they give adult cats with worms, it might be something different for kittens), which should get rid of the worms.
Not maggots but worms. Take him to the vet or d worm him yourself. I opt for the vet.
Those are intestinal worms, my cat had them too. Take it to the vet and they will give it a 1-time medication that will take care of it.
I just found a website where a lady has the same problem as you with her kitten. Sounds like the kitty needs to be dewormed. Take the kitty to the vet.
Click here for the website:
Those are tape worms. They break off in pieces and come out the butt sometimes. Caused by swallowing fleas.
You have to get Droncet from the VET. It is about 8 dollars a pill and you will give it one the first day and 10 days later you have to give it another one.
The liquid wormer stuff from the store is ONLY for roundworms, NOT tapeworms so don't waste your money on that, take it to the vet instead. Probably a good time to get it vaccinated and all that anyway.
These are egg baskets, from a tape worm. My little dog had them and I saw a pile of them. I took him to the Vet, and got 2 tablets, and he was fine. It is a cycle, that starts with fleas. Fleas eat the egg baskets which is really segments of the tape worm that breaks off and is passed out the butt, the animal eats the flea, then the cycle is repeated. I was horrified when I saw them, but they are not uncommon. I think now you may even be able to get tape worm meds over the counter at a pet shop. At the time my little dog had them, they could only be gotten from the vet. After you teat him , the tape worm will be dissolved, and passed. And then you will have one healthy kitty!
My cat had this 3 years ago, My mother didn't believe me till she seen it for her self. It from fleas, There are over the counter pills you can buy your cat, or some kind of liquid, it took care of the problem, if it doesn't you can just go to the vet and they will give you something that may work better, Its nothing to be stressed about. Good luck OK !!
That is worms and nothing to play with. In time they will kill the cat. Please take her to a vet ASAP from not knowing how long she has had them !!
The kitten has worms, he needs a dewormer!
definitely TAPEWORMS.they get them from ingesting fleas. You will need to take them to the vet for pills or injections. And get them a long term flea control like Advantage or Frontline or they could keep re-infecting themselves and you will have to deworm them over and over.
your kitty has worms take it to see the vet other wise it will get sick
they are indeed worms.TAPEworms, to be exact. Worm meds from Wallyworld will NOT cure them. But the vet does have pills that will do it. It's important that you get it done.
Get rid of the cat!..Another reason why cats suck!
observe the butt area carefully ensure there are no signs of internal infection to the area possibly from torn tissues you would observe, if not take him to the vet to be wormed it may just be time for worming,first thing on the schedule for tomorrow.
What you are seeing is tape worm segments. Small segments that look like grains of rice
You kitty needs to be wormed.
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