Friday, July 31, 2009

Kittys is going Potty in my living room?

I have three cats and NEVER catch them doing it but one of them has been pooping ib my living room. I have had the carpets shampoo'd, used Natures Miracle among other random brands at the stores. The litter boxes are in the garage (I have 2) and I have seen all three of them use them, so they know where to go. Any suggestions?
Our cats did the same thing.

Cats urine/poop in different areas of the house for many different reasons. Are the litter boxes clean? Some cats are picky about this. I'm not just talking about poop free. The very bottom of the litter box has a layer urine which needs to be changed at least every 2 weeks. The smell of urine will make you gag! Is there enough litter in it? I usually put 3-4 inches of litter in it so that they can not only fully cover it, but also get into that comfort zone of it.

Have you been gone more than recently? Cats will do this to gain your attention, just like kinds, bad attention is better than no attention.Have you brought someone new into your environment? Like a new friend or companion? Once again, lack of attention.

The last thing i can think of, the accessibility to the litter boxes. Keep one inside the house, like the bathroom. Introduce them to it one by one. Put them in there, even if it's just to play, they will get the idea then!

Also, when they urinate/poop where they are not suppossed too, it may sound mean, but either put their face near it and say no in a firm voice. If it is poop, show it to the cat, say no again in a firm voice, pick up your cat and put both the cat and the poop/urine paper towel in the box. Pat them on the head when done and talk to them in a calm voice and tell them how good they are.
try putting a litterbox in the living room. or throw them all out. weed out the culprit by letting only one cat in each day. at the end of the 3 days you will have found that naughty kitty!
You have to catch em in the act. one might be sick, or it was an accident the first time, and now the scent that is there, and even though you can't smell it, it is there, is a signal for any passing kitty to go there too
put a liter box in the living room and clean it every 1 hour
well every time you see them in the room, or near the area they do their business, just tazer them or throw somthing at them. that will scare them away from the spot and stop them from doing anything.
Please come to my house, I麓m expetise in it.
Ive got 3 cats
I think the one that does it wont get in her box because the other two assholes attack her when sh's squatting
keep alitter box in your living room or don't let them in
Most likely, they're marking their territory towards eachother. The best thing you can do is try your best to catch them, and use a spray bottle at them when you do. Unfortunately, it's a tough habit to break and you have to be patient. I worked at a vet and they had a cat brought back 3 times (by different owners) because it wouldn't stop going in the house. But patience is key, so if you want to keep the little dickens, try to train them as best you can. Hope this helps!
my new kitten would potty where he wasn't suppose to when i first got him so at night i would put him in the bathroom with the litter box. he soon got tired of that. I also bleached the area where he pottied, usually a cat will go back to the area they pottied because of the scent. You may have to get rid of the carpeting that was soiled if you can't bleach out the odor or scent.
Cats don't know it's wrong, especially when you can't catch them doing their misdeed. Try these idea's and see what happens. Good luck!

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