Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kitty Litter problem!! Help please.?

My 6 month old kitten still doesn't cover up her 'business'. I used to use the cheap kitty litter but changed it to a higher quality litter instead. They are white crystals which are supposed to be better and reduce the smell.

My kitten does what she has to do and will try cover it up. When she gets out of the litter tray, she will continue do dig the crystals OUT of the tray.

I have tried spraying her with a water bottle when I catch her doing it but that doesn't seem to work.

Anybody have any suggestions on what to do now as I am getting tired of constantly having to try and sweep up all the crystals back into the tray or into the bin!
I wouldn't spray her with water at the liter box or she may not want to go there at all and then you will have a bigger problem on your hands! Sounds like she does not like the new crystals. Try using 1/2 old liter and 1/2 new crystals in the box, then gradually add more crystals over the next couple weeks.
I would try a covered litterbox, i would be carefull with spraying her with water, you don't want her to connect using the litterbox with being punished.
Spraying her will do nothing. She tries to do her best covering, that is why she throws the litter out. Mine does that too. There are 2 solutions:
1. (What I do): I have a small scoop nearby, and as soon as he finishes pooping, before covering, I get him outside the litterbox, collect the poo in a plastic bag and throw it away. He likes this so much, that he waits for me to be at home in orderto go poo, so that I can clean after him. He hates having poo in his litterbox. Sometimes he throws some sand outside, I hava a small broom and collect it and put it back in the litterbox with the scoop
2. get a covered litterbox. They are like small houses, so that the sand doesn't get outside, no matter how hard your kitty digs.
some animals are just like that i have an 11 yr old cat that we always knew was in the litter box never can seem to keep the litter in the box out of the 11 cats i have he's the only one that does this
I wouldn't be spraying your kitten for using the litter box, which is how she'd see it. You can look forward to cleaning up more mess than a few spilled kitty litter beans if you continue to do that.

I have a cat who doesn't cover up his poop, all I can suggest is to clean the litter after she goes if you can't handle the smell/look of it.

As for the kicked out stuff, you could try putting down a mat or something to collect it. I think there's actually specific mats that catch the stray litter to make it easier to clean up. I usually just hoover each day because between the spilled food %26 kitty gritty the bathroom can be a crunchy place.
You should try to use the scoopable litter. I have 3 cats. (2 adult and 1 kitten) You can also try a new litter pan. Get a pan that is deep and has a cover over it. That's what I have and It works great. It would be totally impossible for them to paw out the litter.
This is good news for you. The cat is now covering up her business, which means she likes the new litter better than the old litter. However, she doesn't like the new like the crystals.

I suggest that you try another type of litter. Are you using the type that's all crystals, or is it a mix of scoopable litter with some crystals? You may have to try a couple of different types of litter before you find the kind that suits both you and your cat.

As you introduce a new type of litter, mix it with the old so the cat can slowly get used to the change. You may also want to try a deep litter box with a lid, but don't fill it with too much litter or it will be kicked out of the litter box when your cat scratches to cover it up.

You also need to be sure to scoop the litter box each day. Cats will refuse to use a dirty litter box and will find another locate to do their business, such as carpets and potted plants!
You've already got all the advice you need, so I'll just affirm that a covered litter box sounds like a great idea, and spraying her is not.

I'm lucky - Poppy doesn't bury hers either, but Sophie, my little helper, goes in after her and takes care of it for me!

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