Friday, July 31, 2009

Lately I've been noticing the my cat doesn't have her lower tummy furr anymore?

shes 9, and the furr on her lower tummy used to be white but now you can see the pink skin part thats under the furr. I havent noticed any loose hair or anything. She just finished recovering from having a
sore infection on her face and the vet gave her an antibiotic, could this have something to do with it?
I had an older cat with the same problem. The thing that worked for me was switching her food to something that would protect her from hairballs, like Meow Mix Hairball remedy. It doesn't really prevent hairballs from forming. It really just seems to help keep the cats fur from falling out, thus preventing hairballs. Switch foods give it about 2 weeks and you should see your cat retaining more of it's hair.
Maybe her belly is dragging on the ground.
Possibly, but more likely she's licked it off.

This is a common result of compulsive over-grooming and it can result from stress or. It's called psychogenic alopecia, and of you do a Google or Yahoo search for that term you'll get a gazillion hits.

My late great Rusty was bald on his tummy by the time he was five years old and he didn't seem to groom himself excessively, nor did he lead a stressful life. The fur on his belly was extremely fine and downey and it just wasn't robust enough to stand up under normal grooming. He actually groomed other parts of his body more, like his shoulders and flanks, and they didn't go bald. He lived out the rest of his life with a bald tummy and it didn't do him any harm.

If you kitty is over-grooming due to stress, it would be good to try and reduce her stress. Otherwise, it's probably not a big issue.

Edit: I just saw the comment about kitty's belly dragging on the ground and it reminded me of something else about Rusty. He had a somewhat rotund figure, especially when he was young, and when he went upstairs his tummy rubbed against the edges of the stairs. There was always a fringe of yellow cat fur on the edges of the carpeted stairs. I'm sure that was a factor in Rusty's tummy baldness.

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