Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kitty of 2 months died suddendly.No blood or woons.Has this happened to anyone else?Any ideas?

She was all happy and playful and then she scooted under my bed like she usually does and when she didn't come out in about 5 mins i checked on her and i relieze that she had died. I'm completely upset. Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone have any explaintion?
I'm so sorry to hear that! I never had it happen to me, and don't know if this will help but I found an article on what possibly happened.

Sudden death in cats occurs for several reasons. The most common ones
are probably cardiomyopathy and heartworm disease. Both of these disorders
can cause death with almost no warning at all. We have had a client whose
cat went to jump from the couch to a chair near it and landed in the chair,
dead. This cat had about four heartworms in the pulmonary arteries when
we did a post mortem examination. As far as our client could tell, her cat
was normal right up to the time that it died. Other clients have had
similar experiences with cats who have had cardiomyopathy, although none quite
this dramatic. It seems odd that these disorders can be serious enough to
cause death while not causing any warning symptoms but it really seems to be
the case at times. Cardiomyopathy is probably the leading cause of
anesthetic deaths in cats and most of the time the affected cats have no signs
that are detected prior to the anesthetic crisis.

There are many other possible problems, though. Cats probably
occasionally are born with defects that can lead to sudden death, such as aneurysms
that may suddenly rupture. Toxin exposure sometimes occurs without the
cat owner being aware of it. Application of a dog flea control product
containing permethrin sometimes results in accidental poisoning,
although most cats do show clinical signs prior to the time that they die with
this particular toxic exposure.

Sometimes, there are signs of a serious illness that are subtle enough
that veterinary clients, or even veterinarians, miss them. Toxoplasmosis,
feline infectious peritonitis, feline leukemia virus, hemobartonellosis, liver
failure, chronic kidney failure and other diseases usually cause
recognizable symptoms but in rare instances there are not clear-cut
clinical signs and death appears to occur suddenly.

The only really good way to try to figure out the cause of a sudden
death is a post-mortem examination. For people who are really bothered by not
knowing what happened, making plans to have a post-mortem examination
in advance of the time when their pets die can provide answers, which is
comforting in the long run for many people.
she might have suffocated under the bed.
How awful for you and the poor baby! Did she ever have a vet exam? Sometimes there is a heart defect that can cause such an unexpected death.

I am so sorry this had to happen.
so sorry for your loss.
i just lost a dog after 12 years.

as a kid, a neighbor poisoned a dog of mine.

your kitty may have ingested something she found under the bed.

if you can, and you really want to find out maybe a local vet would have an idea, or even be able to take a look.

best wishes-
I am so sorry - I don't have any answers - but sudden death can happen to animals as well as humans. I know you have only had her for two months - was she a kitten when you got her? The vet can sometimes tell what has happened but you may not like the thought of a post mortem, and I can understand that.

Please accept my condolences for your loss. Sadly an animal only hurts you once in it's life, and that is when it leaves you through death. We don't expect this to happen for many years. Bless you.
Thats horrible! I'm so sorry for you! I would have no idea what could have happened. I've never heard of that before.
Something internal, how did you find her? She could have gotten strangled or suffocated. Talk to the vet and see if he can find something.
This happened to a friend of mine with a puppy. The problem there was the she had just gotten her puppy's shots and they went home. The puppy was just playing around and then it stopped and collapsed and was dead. The puppy had a bad reaction to the immunizations and it cause his little heart to just stop. That is the only think I can think of.

This is really sad. I am very sorry for you and for your loss.
That is really odd. I wonder if she ate something that was poisonous. It is a good idea to never let cats or kittens outside. Did she have all her shots? Did you check under your bed to see if there is anything there that could have hurt her? Be sure to check thoroughly inside the house and outside the house before you get another pet. When you do just don't let them outside.
did she have a heart condition.some cats have heart problems like murmurs that start when they are really young.and can escalate so quickly before you realize whats wrong. Cats dont have heartattacks though. Did you ask your vet to do a necropsy?..that way they could have looked at all her organs and made sure that they were in working order. i'm sorry for your loss..
It was probably a heart defect or an aneurysm.
I'm sorry to hear about your lose. Your kitty could have had medical problems or heart failure or some other kind of organ failure.
She probably had some sort of illness; probably a heart condition. It would not be strange for you to not know, especially in a kitten so young, so don't feel guilty! I am so sorry about your little baby.
Aww, Im very sorry for you loss. The poor thing. She could of had feline leukemia. If its parents or anything had it. she will have it bc its genetic. and you will not know if she has it bc the only way for certain is by tests. trust me. we had two cats.. brother and sister pass away and they were only 1yr old. they had it and we had no idea. so, thats the biggest possibility.

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