Friday, July 31, 2009

Know of any air fresheners that work well for litter box room?

I'm looking for an air freshener (not the kind you plug in) to put in a closet where we keep 2 litter boxes. Has anyone tried any that work well that they would recommend?? Thank you!
My best advice (since I know of no air fresheners that don't just make the room smell like poop and flowers mixed together) is clean the litter box every week, empty every day, use a litter deodorizer like Arm %26 Hammer or the Tidy Cats deodorizer, use a good quality litter with deodorizers in it. There are some air fresheners that are made of gels (I think it's made by Glade, but I'm not sure). They smell better than the cheap ones and they last longer. Citrus scents may cut through the litter box smell better than anything.
use more then one
yes its called, keep the litter boxes clean. Also one called.. open a window. or do not put in closets as the closets will hold odor.
A friend of mine just told me about the car air fresheners from Yankee Candle. She said they're really strong, so I'm considering getting one for the closet where our cat boxes are.

With sprays, I'd recommend Febreeze Air Effects or Oust. You know what works really well? Fabric refreshers. I used to use Febreeze, but found that the Clorox FreshCare smells absolutely great. I'd clean the cat box, which would stir up any when I was done, I'd spray the FreshCare into the air and on any fabrics (bed, curtains, etc.). Within seconds, you couldn't smell the cat box anymore.
shouldnt the stuff already have deodorant in the litter? if it smells that bad, go to the pet store and ask them, they should be able to help you.
It's probably best to use a small shallow pan (surface area) of baking soda which will absorb the odor instead of just mixing and masking with perfume. Another alternative would be a shallow pan of vinegar which also neutralizes odors. Good Luck!
Arm and Hammer litter works really well for odor control. use the multiple cat formula even if you only have one cat. it's great! Also you could try to get a covered litter box that has a charcoal filter, you can get them at Wal Mart for 10-15 dollars, that helps alot too.
I use Zero Odor which I ordered from a TV infomercial. You can call 1-800-526-2967 or go to

If I get a bad odor I just spray it in the air near the box or if somebody has urinated in the shower.

I think the Febreeze would be less expensive (no shipping, handling fees) so I would try that first.
I have 4 cats and one big ol litter box. Ive found that Arm%26Hammer's litter box deoderizer is a GOD SEND. You sprinkle a little on after each cleaning, and im tellin ya, it eliminates all the smell. It even helps keep smell down between the cleanings, not just for a little bit ofter words. Its very cheap and it works wonders- at least give it a try LOL
air-wick - its a liquid just pull up the wick and it works - i have 2 cats and found that this stuff works well
Try this.Cat-B-Gone.

it REALLY works!
It seems that just about everyone recommended keeping the litter box cleaner. Well..I've found that using the Urine Gone spray works well. It helps cut down on the smell. But, the one person that recommended NOT putting the litter boxes in the closet is about the best suggestion I could make too.

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