Wednesday, July 29, 2009

kitten name ideas? male, pure white with blue eyes?

please help me with names..
So you have given the sex and color, what about the personailty. Don't hurry watch and you may try several before you hit on the right one. has over 15000 names on a list
Pure white?
Then Yetti.

Its kinda like an abonimal snowman.
And i think its most adorableness.
Sugar, Snow, Snowball, Saphire, Pure
Mr. Pearlman.
Ice age
I think it is always cute to name a pet something cute or funny, but still mature, like my dog's name is scruffer Mc buffers and i have a cat named Mr.Skittles, earlier i had a cat came Mr. Abraham and he was almost all white except for some gray spots on his head and chin! So i would name him after a president or a famous artist, or pianist such as Bock or Beethoven, Mr. Wilson or Mr. teddy, Michale Angelo or Monet!
lighting, snowflake, mugsy (thats what we named my cat who was all white except for ears and he had icy blue eyes)
I recently brought a long-haired, all white male kitty who is fourteen years old. He has one blue eye and one green.

I named him Alexander, Zandy for short. He is gorgeous and truly great! After Alexander the Great.
Pure whit call him "Sugar' and a heads up somtimes animals that are pure white with blue eyes are deaf. i know our new kitten is white with one blue eye.deaf as a door nail
Mickey Blue Eyes.
I have an all white male with one blue eyes and one green eye I called him Toby.

I like names that are unique instead of the classic "cat names" good luck %26 congrats on your new addition. I love my little Toby I'd be lost with out him.
Sinatra! You know Ol' Blue eyes Frank Sinatra!
Oh My.I had a cat like that and I sure loved him! His name was "Otis" after the drunk guy on the Andy Griffith Show.
He was so awesome that someone pryed the screen off of my window and stole him. I was so bummed..So, in honor of my Otis you should name him OTIS!!

But I have to admit, Sinatra is pretty good too!
call him Weego. That way when your out calling him you can say "Here weego"
I would name him Ghost
i like the name micha a lot. another god one is cherro. have fun with your new cat :)
Call it "Jazz grr". It reads as "cazg谋r" in Turkish which means something like vixen or someone who's loud and likes to fight. You can call him Jazz for short and say grr when he goes "grr". It's cool I think :)

It sounds like it doesn't go with his personality, but who says it should ;)
Casper,Frosty,Powder-puff,Ice, Angel.hmmmmmm I cant think of anymore! Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. we had a white male cat with blue eyes but he got hit by a car a few years back ... his name was buster hope it helps with anything
