Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kitten Help?

My cat had 3 kittens 4 days ago. She wont feed them, 2 have died. I cant get to a vet until the morning. What and how can i feed the 1 remaining kitten with?
Recipes for Emergency Kitten Fomula

The pet store is closed, and you have hungry kittens that need formula! Never fear!

In a pinch, the Cornell Book of Cats says that human baby formula can be used if made up to double the normal strength (human baby formula is normally not nutritious enough for kittens). As with the below formulas, please remember that any emergency formula should only be used until regular Feline Replacement Formula (such as KMR or Just Born) can be purchased at the pet store. None of these are nutritionally complete for the long term health of a kitten.

Formula #1
1 quart whole goat's milk
1 teaspoon light Karo syrup
1 tablespoon nonfat plain yogurt (goat's milk preferred)
1 egg yolk
Knox unflavored gelatin:
%26nbspNewborn-1 week 1 pkg
%26nbsp2nd week 1 1/2 - 2 pkgs
%26nbsp3rd week 2 1/2 - 3 pkgs
%26nbsp4th week 4 pkgs

Put goat's milk in saucepan, add gelatin in the amount above depending on the kitten's age. Heat goat's milk/gelatin mixture just until gelatin is dissolved. Remove from heat. Mix in remaining ingredients and refrigerate. It will keep up to one week. Heat to skin test temperature and feed kittens.

Formula #2
8 ounces homogenized whole milk
2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon salad oil
1 drop liquid pediatric vitamins (optional)

Mix well and warm before using. Keep refrigerated.

Formula #3
1 part boiled water to 5 parts evaporated milk
1/2 teaspoon bone meal per 16 oz fluid

Mix well, refrigerate, warm before using .

Formula #4
1 can Evaporated Milk
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons Karo syrup

All three mixed well and kept in tightly sealed jar in fridge.
At feeding time mix 1/2 of the estimated feeding amount with:
Equal amount of boiling water
(once a day mix 1 drop of human infant liquid vitamins in each kitties formula)

If constipation occurrs: add 1 drop of vegetable oil to each kitties formula no more than once daily till problem is eased. Test temperature before feeding (the combination of boiling water and chilled formula should be just about right).
you seperate the kitten from the mother and feed the milk in the feeding bottle.
Hit a pet store..they make kitten milk, nursing items, etc.

If none.kitten milk and over size eye dropper.

Look in phone book, should be 911 emergency vet centers around.

Mom might be sick and unable to produce milk could be the cause.
eye dropper ,baby bottle, of milk, get kitten away from mother asap!
My friend gave her newborn this recipe in a small kitten bottle (WalMart, Petsmart). That kitten is now 2 years old and happy and healthy! Good luck!

It's the 2nd recipe. Sorry it was on my faves and I forgot there were several.
aww , aww I love kitties, umm , try forcing your cat , but your cat in your lap and the kitten near her, look more poor kitty. =(
Kitten formula, you can buy it at most stores. If you can't find some use goat (NOT cow) milk.
heat up some warm milk and feed it to him trew a teet.
OH NO. Poor things, have you tried feeding it with milk from a babys bottle that might help. I hope it survives. Good luck!
Get to PetSmart or PetCo ASAP! You can get special formula for kittens and a bottle to feed them with.
Tepid milk with biscuit crumbs,sorry to hear about the two you've lost.
walmart and other stores now have kitten milk, If u can't find that, use cow milk- use a dropper(medicine- clean) this can be found in the pharmacy area and baby products. be sure the milk is room temperature
ok you DO NOT want to seperate the kittens from the mother, they need the mothers warmth and security, if they are away from mother they wont eat even if they could. What you want to do is go to your pet store, get kitten milk and a baby animal feeding bottle, or an eye dropper with a small opening so its not to big for the kitten, you have to warm th milk up a little cooler than you would a babies bottle( so a little warmer than room temp) and feed the kittens. Another reason you CAN NOT seperate them from the mother is the mother licks there private areas to make them use the bathroom, if the mother doesnt do this, then you have to take a warm wet dish cloth and rub it over there private areas to make them use the bathrom or there intestines could explode from all the pressure. But the most important thing to do is do not take them away from there mother.
There should be an emergency vet. Contact them and get in a cab or get a freind to take you over.
Get an eyedropper (plastic) and some baby formula. Mix the formula according to package directions and use the eyedropper to feed the kittens. (Sometimes, you can find these in the baby aisle, specifically for giving medicine.) The kittens will "nurse" the dropper--it's also good to put a rolled-up towel under the dropper so the kittens will have something to kneed while they nurse--you're trying to recreate what a momma-cat does, after all. It will be time-consuming, but it's either that or another dead kitten. Also, some cities have 24 hour vet places, check your phone book. If you call them, I highly doubt they'd withhold information. There's also a website link below. Good luck!
Get a small teat and buy some kitten milk and that will keep them going until tou can get to a vet, Even some porriage will help them. Oh good luck with them
you will need to keep it warm and syringe feed it with a formula such as lactol or welpi, call the vet to get some formula, its an emergency, but be careful, place the syringe into the side of the kittens mouth as if you give too much milk at one time you could drown the ketten ie put the milk into its lungs, good luck!
Ring Cat Protection straight away the kitten with a drop of milk from your finger
bottlfeed him milk from the fridge!! if he doesn't drink it, warm it up like 20 sec. in microwave
i am so sorry to hear of your despair. can't you make your cat lay while the kitten suckles. try using a syringe and baby powder. did your vet not offer any advice to you. hand feed it every 2 hours also encourage it to go to toilet as the mother would do. good luck.
Go to the store and get a can of kitten formula, it is generally found in the pet food aisle at your local grocery store. This formula is only about 3 or 4 dollars. Get a small syringe or a straw and give little squirts of the "warmed" formula to the kitten. Be sure to feed the kitten while he is on his tummy so that he does not choke. cradeling him in your arms like a human baby is not good. It may take a few tries at being successful at feeding him this way, but as soon as the kitten figures out what you are doing they take to it very well. Don't forget to stimulate it afterwards so it will eliminate urine/feces. You do not want the kitten to bloat.
You need kitten formula. You can locate a recipe on the web, or you can buy it a store such as petsmart. What you really need to do is contact a locate animal hospital. Your queen may have something wrong with her that is making her not feed the young, or vice versa. Lists are endles as to what causes problems like this, and without seeing your cats first hand I can't recommend a course of action other than contacting an emergency vet clinic. Kittens cannot go without food for hours on end without it compromising their health. They also need the colostrum from the mother to help their immune system, but if that is impossible the kitten formula will do. You will also need a very small bottle or eyedropper. If the kitten refuses the formula try rubbing a little corn syrup on its lips to bring its blood sugar up.
get kitten formula in a can from walmart
feed kitten every 3 hours! warm it up for abt 5-10 sec in microwave
walmart has kitten bottles but those were hard for me to feed my cat with. Go to pharmacy and ask for an eye dropper they will give u one free.
try to get a heating pad then put a sheet or something thin over it to keep kitten warm they will freeze very easily.
I fed my cat from a bottle from the time he was 3 weeks old to 6 weeks and he started drinking it from a small bowl himself. DO NOT give him human milk it will make him very sick.
My cat is now one years old and I love him very much. Good luck and remember if the kitten dies it is not your fault you tried and this stuff happens sometimes. And dont be mad at momma cat too because she could be ill or maybe got upset that the others died or she knew something was wrg with the kittens. Also when a kitten is taken away from mother at a very early age the females tend to grow up not knowing how to mother their youngs.
use eyedropper and milk. (preferable store bought special cat milk). Simple as that. Try to Feed it as much as possible. Good luck!

lucas l
you cannot feed it with anything. You should have called the vets as they HAVE to be available for emergencies 24 hours a day. You would have got a number to ring for the emergency vet on duty. If you left the kittens for 4 whole days before thinking about getting a vet I'm afraid you left it too long. Your female cat needs looking at in case she has a kitten stuck inside which is causing a massive infection and poisoning her milk otherwise she too will die. Hopefully you will have her spayed.
dont know how ure getting on with this but i had a similar problem. normally if the mother rejects the kittens it may be because she knew they were going to die anyway. this happened to 2 of my cats kittens. one seemed to die straight away but the second one seemed to be more smaller than the rest, dont know if they grow really quickly initially but i tried feeding it but it had to be put down the next day.

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