Wednesday, July 29, 2009

kitten with loose stool?

I have a new kitten. She is 3 mos old. I have had her 3 weeks. She has had diarreha since I got her. Help. I dont give her milk or wet food.
Go to your pet store a get the kitten formula that has the an active culture in it for kittens.I got mine from a product called "Orphan Rescue"It states that if the kitten has loose stool,give 'em the active culture.If this dos'nt work,it's time for the Vet.
If she hasn't had her kitten boosters yet or been dewormed try that. either way, she need a vet that's not normal.
I would suggest giving her some canned food. Contrary to intuition, high-quality canned food will produce very dense stools, because canned food is better fit to be absorbed by the feline digestive system.

Dry food, on the other hand, combined with the diarreha, can lead to fatal dehydration, especially with kittens.
time for a vet. I'm thinking worms. But it could be something else. Probably not real serious but take her to vet, get her tummy troubles settled and make an appointment for spaying.
be carefull,they carry nasty parasites,take it to a vet
My kitten also had problems adn aws up to date on all shots and the vet suggested a tablespoon of plain yogurt everyday adn it worked.. I now give him food with yogurt in it, i think it is named "one" from purina, but having a bit of a brain freeze
Please be EXTREMELY careful and make a vet appointment. Something as easily treated by the vet as worms can cause this problem but if left untreated can lead to many more serious problems. You didn't say how the kitten acts otherwise. Is she playful and seems generally healthy except for this? Please call your vet and have her seen. Trying to fix the problem yourself isn't quite fair to the kitty. If you were sick, you would want to go to the doctor.
give her about 1cc of pepto bismal 3 times a day till the diarrhea is done.
she should be eating kitten food..this happens alot when they are young.

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