Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kitten problems HELP!?

My girlfriend and I adopted two kittens (1 black, 1 grey, approx 12 weeks old).

Problem 1: When we put them into the den at night, the grey one always cries for the 20-30 minutes before going to sleep. Yesterday, the grey one started crying A LOT. She would walk up to us and meow/cry. Her purring has also got A LOT louder.

Problem 2: Both kittens seem to ALWAYS play fight. They play hide %26 seek and playfight ALL THE TIME. Black cat is SO hyperactive and not at ease at any time. If approached, the cat will run. However, if she is picked up, she is very calm and can fall asleep in my lap. Grey cat is an angel whenever the black cat is not bothering her. Yesterday, it seemed like the grey cat was beginning to get annoyed with the black cat. When the black cat would try to instigate a fight, the grey one would push it off. I thought maybe the grey one began hating the black one, but when I separate them by a door, they cry to each other feeling under the door with their paws.
This is all totally normal for 3-month old kittens. They'll continue this sort of behaviour for several more months, although the grey kitten will soon get used to the routine of being left in the den at night. The important thing there is to ignore her (try putting them in about an hour before YOU want to go to bed -- it should be quiet by then).
You don't say the age of the kittens, but most everything you say sounds like two normal kittens. They will play and fight and carry on and when you take them apart they cry and carry on to be back together. And you just got the luck of the draw getting a hyper one and a laid back one. They will change as they get older. Get them spayed or neutered as soon as possible. And the putting them in the den, the grey one it testing you. If you give in and let it out then they will romp and play all night all over the house. Good luck.
this is typical kitten behavior..the play-fighting is their way of learning about all of their fighting skills, so if they need to be in an actual fight later on--they'll know how to do it. as for crying at night.they are just having a little "seperation anxiety" from you and your girlfriend/possibly missing their mama, too. they'll will be fine..have fun with your kittens..they sound adorable
Firstly, in response to the first answer, I can see that they are around twelve weeks old.
As far as the crying at night in concerned, persevere with it. They will stop eventually. If you give up now and let them sleep with you then they will want to do it forever, and you will have the exact same problem next time you try.
To the second problem, if the cat was really that bothered about the other cat harassing it, believe me, it would let the other one know! Just leave them to it and they will sort their differences out between themselves.
Problem 1, when they miow it could be that they would like to go out to use the bathroom or are hungry.
Problem 2: It's not that they're fighting, it's just the way cats play when they're young. The black cat is probably to playful for the grey cat, and although the grey cat likes to play at times it might get bored from playing all the time. Try mixing egg yoke and honey in their drink, if you're still feeding them by the bottle, which they should've gotten over long ago, they like the taste of this if it is mixed with a little bit of milk. E-mail me at whyareallthegoodemailidstakenu. If you need more help.
Hope this helped
Hope this helps.
It sounds like they are just normal playful kittens. I The crying at night might just be because they want to be by their humans
Don't worry, it's normal behavior, I had two kittens who were play fighting all the time. They are best buds. They won't be quiet unless they are together. Willie, our black cat, is calmer and Peanut, our grey/yellow cat, is an imp! He climbs, has to jump on us at night and all kinds of stuff like that. They'll grow out of it. It's a young kid thing. Have fun with your kittens!

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