A huge tomcat has been coming to our house for several weeks (all my cats are fixed). My cats don't seem to mind him and he is very friendly. I have petted him and he tries to come in the house which I won't let him do. Anyway, this morning he was out there when my cats went outside and they started hissing at him. He jumped on one of my nuetered males and then chased him up a tree. I ran him off and got my cat to come down and the big tom ran up and jumped on him again. I got him in but I don't know what suddenly happened. He's been hanging out with my cats for a while and never had any trouble. Should I run him off for good?
You have a "double dippin' " cat on your hands.he's getting too comfortable ! you can try and chase him off but chances are that will not work. you need a live trap and to take it to a shelter,it will just keep comming back if you don't.
Your cats are a threat to him. Have the local shelter come out and put traps out - unless you know his owner. Then contact the authorities and report them. You cats should not be threatened in their own yard!
thats his territory. your cats have the inside hes got the out side. that or its pecking order.
sounds like a domination thing. The tom thinks its his yard, and is trying to prove it. there is probably a cat in heat somewhere in the vicinity. that is what probably triggered the mean streak.
once the cat in heat is done or gone, things should return to normal.
He's bad influence to your cats, don't let them hang out with him because he might get them in trouble with the law.
The Tomcat is probably hungrey. Please feed him. He is also
llooking for a good home, and he cannot get inside your home. He is marking his territory and needs help. Are you able to give it a try? He needs acceptance not abuse.
Our neighbors cat was the bully of the neighborhood, and kept terrorizing my 2 cats. I would have to send my dog outside to chase him off. After many cat fights, my cats now, keep him away. They chase him off, if he comes in our yard. Usually he keeps to himself, now that he knows my cats will fight back, and we no longer have a problem with him.
If this cat is unneutered you are really putting your cats at risk. It is the unneutered males who contract the FIV and leukemia viruses and pass them to other cats.
He really needs to be trapped and handled by experienced animal control or humane society personnel. Even though he may lose his life through euthanasia it is better that he not live if he has the potential of spreading these dangerous diseases to other cats.
I'm having the same problem with a younger cat in my neighborhood. I suspect someone dumped him and now he is trying to establish dominance over my three (neutered and vaccinated) kitties. He's a mean sumbitch and I'm a cat lover, but his days are numbered.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Mean Kitty, Needs a Friend?
I have a cat who Hisses at everyone, and scratches everyone who comes in sight. I now live with my boyfriend and she hates him too. (even though he adopted her) She loves me, but I think she is just bored. Should I get her another kitty to play with? would that make her more sociable? She loves the outside Dog, but she cant play outside. I want to take her to play with other kittens and see how she reacts but, nobody will let her play with their cats, because she is mean!
Any Advice would be great!
Also She is a 1 year old Calico Female
Hi! I have a 2 yr old cat who sounds kinda like that. I got her from a pet store she was soo cute lol but anyways i lived with my mom and my boyfriend its just me and my bf now but my cat only likes me sometimes she dosent mind my boyfriend but when she's had enough of him she's had enough! she hisses at him if he moves to quick at her or like if she's sitting on the floor near him and he gets up to quick she'll hiss at him and swat at him and run away. for a while she seemed to kewl down and we got a new kitten and that just pissed her off! she was hissing and growling it was crazy but the only person who can touch her is me she's a big baby with me.she dosent like anyone else thou its weird. but anyway we got the kitten and she hated it and within like 3 weeks they were best friends like you would never believe they sleep togeather eat togeather play togeather(drives me nuts someitimes) But my cat still dosent like anyone else but me . I think its just because she loves me and she's protective of me and she's very loyal to me and she listens she talks(meows) back to me when i talk to her. But another cat is a great idea u just need alot of time and affection to give !
She is feral. You should have socialised her earlier. Too late now.
well, like my kitty, he seems like a one person kind of cat. if u get another kitty, he might be nicer. my winston waz happy when my momma bought selena home=)
she is still a kitten.. sheesh.. she seems to be very dominant.. next she is jealous because she isn't getting enough attention .. I think another cat is a mistake, however, where you live, is it cramped and small, cats need room and privacy also.. Is she fixed..? if not sometimes that causes aggression.. did you get her the distemperment shot?.. that does help believe it or not
I have a calico.
She is very sweet and jealous at the same time.
She doesn't like to really share at all.
If you get another kitty for her,she will probably hiss at it too.
The best time is when they are babies. They are used to each other.
Calico's are kind of mixed up,and a little crazy.
Gotta love em' tho.
burnittodeath needs to look the word feral up in a dictionary.
My thought is if this change occured 2 months ago what significant thing happened/changed at that time?
Sounds to me like something is making her feel threatend. Or jealous.
some cats can get Territorial with other cat but are fine with dogs, if she was a stray, she might not at all and would be happier as an only cat.
some rescues Willl let you try a trail adoption, see how the cat wil fit in your home, and if your cat will like company. explain your situation and ask for a cat that gets along with other cats easily. you would foster her until you know if your cat will get along with others, it may be a month until you know, they might not get along at first but May warn up to each other
Any Advice would be great!
Also She is a 1 year old Calico Female
Hi! I have a 2 yr old cat who sounds kinda like that. I got her from a pet store she was soo cute lol but anyways i lived with my mom and my boyfriend its just me and my bf now but my cat only likes me sometimes she dosent mind my boyfriend but when she's had enough of him she's had enough! she hisses at him if he moves to quick at her or like if she's sitting on the floor near him and he gets up to quick she'll hiss at him and swat at him and run away. for a while she seemed to kewl down and we got a new kitten and that just pissed her off! she was hissing and growling it was crazy but the only person who can touch her is me she's a big baby with me.she dosent like anyone else thou its weird. but anyway we got the kitten and she hated it and within like 3 weeks they were best friends like you would never believe they sleep togeather eat togeather play togeather(drives me nuts someitimes) But my cat still dosent like anyone else but me . I think its just because she loves me and she's protective of me and she's very loyal to me and she listens she talks(meows) back to me when i talk to her. But another cat is a great idea u just need alot of time and affection to give !
She is feral. You should have socialised her earlier. Too late now.
well, like my kitty, he seems like a one person kind of cat. if u get another kitty, he might be nicer. my winston waz happy when my momma bought selena home=)
she is still a kitten.. sheesh.. she seems to be very dominant.. next she is jealous because she isn't getting enough attention .. I think another cat is a mistake, however, where you live, is it cramped and small, cats need room and privacy also.. Is she fixed..? if not sometimes that causes aggression.. did you get her the distemperment shot?.. that does help believe it or not
I have a calico.
She is very sweet and jealous at the same time.
She doesn't like to really share at all.
If you get another kitty for her,she will probably hiss at it too.
The best time is when they are babies. They are used to each other.
Calico's are kind of mixed up,and a little crazy.
Gotta love em' tho.
burnittodeath needs to look the word feral up in a dictionary.
My thought is if this change occured 2 months ago what significant thing happened/changed at that time?
Sounds to me like something is making her feel threatend. Or jealous.
some cats can get Territorial with other cat but are fine with dogs, if she was a stray, she might not at all and would be happier as an only cat.
some rescues Willl let you try a trail adoption, see how the cat wil fit in your home, and if your cat will like company. explain your situation and ask for a cat that gets along with other cats easily. you would foster her until you know if your cat will get along with others, it may be a month until you know, they might not get along at first but May warn up to each other
mean little kitty?
my cat oreo always comes to me when my other cat coco is outside but when coco comes in to eat a little oreo hisses at her she sees me pedding coco and growles i go over there to ped her but then she starts hissing at me and coco wants to go and play with oreo but oreo won't let her?
Sounds like Oreo loves you and is very possessive. She wants all of your attention. Her difficulties with Coco could be an extension of that, or Oreo might just plain not like Coco. I have delt with similar situations. Bottom line is that you love both your cats and both are entitled to your attention and affection. Oreo will just have to learn that. Keep in mind also that cats can be VERY slow to adjust to changes and such so just keep at it, be good to both of your cats and over time Oreo will probably mellow some.
You can try this trick: Put some wet cat food or tuna, etc. on both cats. The idea is to get them to lick each other off. Once they start mutual grooming like that it can lead to better relations between them.
Cats are evil.
give the kitty siome milk and then pet him
mmmm oreo's and cocoa
cats dont generally like each other unless they are from the same litter
most cats take a long time to warm up to each other
either that or your cat is just a lil biotch
She isn't mean. She is just being a cat. Cats are usually solitary animals as adults, and they will hiss at other cats.
jealous little kitty
After 2 years my older female cat is finally starting to almost tolerate my younger female cat. Don't worry about it.
u must show the cat dicipline but at the same time show it that u still love it and it will not be pushed aside like a rag doll or somthing animal can be jelous just like us and they are very protective over what they love.. meaning that u must punish it for being mean but after that show it love but do not play favoratism other wise ur other cat may become jelous u must teach ur cat dicipline. i dont mean it mean but there u go.
Someone suggested giving your cat milk..don't. It gives them a upset stomach - contrary to popular belief. If Oreo was in the house first - it is probably a territory issue. if they are both the same sex - that could be it also. if they are not spayed or neutered that could be it also - it also will depend on the age of each cat. they will eventually learn to get along or just ignore each other. but please make sure they are spayed or neutered. it is best for their health especially if they are inside/outside kitties. and remember no milk - LOL
They will get along eventually
they will eventually work things out for themselves.
That's too bad. I am sorry the kitties are not getting along. Since they are both female I'm sorry to say that this can happen. Cat society is matriarchal and one female will usually be the "top cat".
I have two female cats like that and even after ten years they have never made "peace" with one another.
She may be displaying mean behavior towards Coco, but it's because she's jealous. She wants you all to herself, and when you pet Coco, it makes her angry. She doesn't take it out on you, she takes it out on Coco. Just make sure you show equal amounts of love to each cat. Don't avoid Coco simply because Oreo's hissing about it..this will only reinforce the behavior.
Sounds like Oreo loves you and is very possessive. She wants all of your attention. Her difficulties with Coco could be an extension of that, or Oreo might just plain not like Coco. I have delt with similar situations. Bottom line is that you love both your cats and both are entitled to your attention and affection. Oreo will just have to learn that. Keep in mind also that cats can be VERY slow to adjust to changes and such so just keep at it, be good to both of your cats and over time Oreo will probably mellow some.
You can try this trick: Put some wet cat food or tuna, etc. on both cats. The idea is to get them to lick each other off. Once they start mutual grooming like that it can lead to better relations between them.
Cats are evil.
give the kitty siome milk and then pet him
mmmm oreo's and cocoa
cats dont generally like each other unless they are from the same litter
most cats take a long time to warm up to each other
either that or your cat is just a lil biotch
She isn't mean. She is just being a cat. Cats are usually solitary animals as adults, and they will hiss at other cats.
jealous little kitty
After 2 years my older female cat is finally starting to almost tolerate my younger female cat. Don't worry about it.
u must show the cat dicipline but at the same time show it that u still love it and it will not be pushed aside like a rag doll or somthing animal can be jelous just like us and they are very protective over what they love.. meaning that u must punish it for being mean but after that show it love but do not play favoratism other wise ur other cat may become jelous u must teach ur cat dicipline. i dont mean it mean but there u go.
Someone suggested giving your cat milk..don't. It gives them a upset stomach - contrary to popular belief. If Oreo was in the house first - it is probably a territory issue. if they are both the same sex - that could be it also. if they are not spayed or neutered that could be it also - it also will depend on the age of each cat. they will eventually learn to get along or just ignore each other. but please make sure they are spayed or neutered. it is best for their health especially if they are inside/outside kitties. and remember no milk - LOL
They will get along eventually
they will eventually work things out for themselves.
That's too bad. I am sorry the kitties are not getting along. Since they are both female I'm sorry to say that this can happen. Cat society is matriarchal and one female will usually be the "top cat".
I have two female cats like that and even after ten years they have never made "peace" with one another.
She may be displaying mean behavior towards Coco, but it's because she's jealous. She wants you all to herself, and when you pet Coco, it makes her angry. She doesn't take it out on you, she takes it out on Coco. Just make sure you show equal amounts of love to each cat. Don't avoid Coco simply because Oreo's hissing about it..this will only reinforce the behavior.
Me Cats Whisker Fell out!?
my cat was cleaning his face, and a whisker just kinda fell out. is that normal? he seems ok. should i be concerned?
No :) it's ok for them to occasionally lose whiskers, as they grow too long, but do not trim them or anything, they need them just as they are, for balance, touch and measurements :) so it's ok, it's got plenty more if you'll notice, small at the moment but growing.i have 4 cats and i could make a collection of whiskers :))
if it's not bleeding and the cat is not complaining it is probably just natural shedding don't worry.
Lol, cat's whiskers fall out all the time, just like normal hair. Keep it! They're good luck!
Normal. I find a stray whisker on the floor every now and again. I find it kind of cute. lol. They're fine. I got my cat shaved once and they cut off her whiskers! I thought for sure that was horrible, but they said they grow back and not to worry.. (I still don't think they should've cut her whiskers off, that's how cats get into tight spaces). Anyway, don't worry unless he starts going bald or something.
My first kitten was stalking a lighted candle, I didn't think she'd get close enough but before I could grab her her whiskers caught fire after her sudden pounce (thank god nothing more got burned). They grew back. So I'm not an expert but these things happen and they should grow back. But I'd be concerned if she gets bald spots on her fur.
Is it a kitten? maybe new ones are gonna grow in there place like kids and teeth
Hi there.cats whiskers will fall out from time to time because like human hair their follicles has become weak or just accidentally was plucked. Eventually, over time new whiskers will grow to replace what was lost. It's quite normal unless all of them fall out which then would require to see a vet.
A whisker is a specialized hair, and like hair, they fall out. There's no need to be alarmed.
Cats shed whiskers all the time - it is normal.
No :) it's ok for them to occasionally lose whiskers, as they grow too long, but do not trim them or anything, they need them just as they are, for balance, touch and measurements :) so it's ok, it's got plenty more if you'll notice, small at the moment but growing.i have 4 cats and i could make a collection of whiskers :))
if it's not bleeding and the cat is not complaining it is probably just natural shedding don't worry.
Lol, cat's whiskers fall out all the time, just like normal hair. Keep it! They're good luck!
Normal. I find a stray whisker on the floor every now and again. I find it kind of cute. lol. They're fine. I got my cat shaved once and they cut off her whiskers! I thought for sure that was horrible, but they said they grow back and not to worry.. (I still don't think they should've cut her whiskers off, that's how cats get into tight spaces). Anyway, don't worry unless he starts going bald or something.
My first kitten was stalking a lighted candle, I didn't think she'd get close enough but before I could grab her her whiskers caught fire after her sudden pounce (thank god nothing more got burned). They grew back. So I'm not an expert but these things happen and they should grow back. But I'd be concerned if she gets bald spots on her fur.
Is it a kitten? maybe new ones are gonna grow in there place like kids and teeth
Hi there.cats whiskers will fall out from time to time because like human hair their follicles has become weak or just accidentally was plucked. Eventually, over time new whiskers will grow to replace what was lost. It's quite normal unless all of them fall out which then would require to see a vet.
A whisker is a specialized hair, and like hair, they fall out. There's no need to be alarmed.
Cats shed whiskers all the time - it is normal.
me and my speedy?
this is me and my cat speedy we are out in the woods taking a walk. Do your cats follow you all around and no matter what are always by you?
Yes. my cat Kaffe follows me around when we go walkies without the leash. At usafe times, I make him wear halter and leash and he will actually trot along with me (or pull me along like a dog) on the sidewalk.
Speedy is definitely photogenic - oh, you look alright too. :)
Speedy is adorable! My 3 are in whatever room I'm in all the time. They will just get as close as they can and lie down. It really bothers Baby if I go out of the room and he doesn't hear me (he sleeps hard). He'll wake up and cry and cry till I call him! My husband said he was inconsolable when I was in the hospital in April this year for 4 days.
Yes! My cat is extremely attached to me. It is kind of strange, because I am not her first owner and have not had her since she was a kitten. I only got her in late June, after she had lived with both my grandmother and aunt after living as a stray for god knows how long. She immediately latched on and now I can't seem to avoid her presence!
I just love your question and love the answers.
I would love to know how to train a kitty to do these things.
I have a 7 month old that could very well be this, but he hasn't been outside yet and I don't know how to get him to do this?
aww that so sweet
My sister, Brenda has a cat named Speedy and it's funny cause that little hairball follows her around too. Some cats do that but I'd like to ask you a question, how did you get your picture in that box instead of an avitar?
Yes. my cat Kaffe follows me around when we go walkies without the leash. At usafe times, I make him wear halter and leash and he will actually trot along with me (or pull me along like a dog) on the sidewalk.
Speedy is definitely photogenic - oh, you look alright too. :)
Speedy is adorable! My 3 are in whatever room I'm in all the time. They will just get as close as they can and lie down. It really bothers Baby if I go out of the room and he doesn't hear me (he sleeps hard). He'll wake up and cry and cry till I call him! My husband said he was inconsolable when I was in the hospital in April this year for 4 days.
Yes! My cat is extremely attached to me. It is kind of strange, because I am not her first owner and have not had her since she was a kitten. I only got her in late June, after she had lived with both my grandmother and aunt after living as a stray for god knows how long. She immediately latched on and now I can't seem to avoid her presence!
I just love your question and love the answers.
I would love to know how to train a kitty to do these things.
I have a 7 month old that could very well be this, but he hasn't been outside yet and I don't know how to get him to do this?
aww that so sweet
My sister, Brenda has a cat named Speedy and it's funny cause that little hairball follows her around too. Some cats do that but I'd like to ask you a question, how did you get your picture in that box instead of an avitar?
me and my boyfriend wud love to take on a munchkin kitten but cn't find 1?
does any1 no of breeders or sites to contact. we live in derbyshire and would prefer local breeders for the kittens sake,if any 1 no's were 2 look let us no. thank you, jessica x
Go to this website. You can find a list of breeders there. Hope you find one to love!
I've just had a look at them on google I think they look weird get a siamese they are the best looking cats around.
Its not kitten season now, it runs from spring to september time which is when you will find most kittens about. try checking your local yellow pages for cat sanctuaries in your area or call the RSPCA.
go on ebay or pet shop.you can evan find them on the street.
you could also try this web site www.petfinder.com i'm not sure if you're going to find anything in your area but it's worth a try. good luck
check www.craigslist.org Some times U may find a free one. good luck.
Hi, this website has a contact email for the Munchkin Breeders Club - maybe emailing them would get some contacts for you.
I've also found the following article -
"Debate on Munchkin cat breed
source: Sarah Hall
Guardian March 29 2002 p12
Animal welfare groups in Britain are concerned about the arrival of a new breed of cat, the Munchkin, which has very short legs. Cat Association of Great Britain director, Therese Clarke, sees the cats as similar to freaks of nature, and thinks it unfair to breed cats unable to hunt, climb and jump. Cat Fancy is also concerend, as is the British Small Animals Veterinary Association, which sees possible welfare and health implications arising from breeding animals that have extreme features in their anatomy. The importers of the cat, a couple from Essex, argue that the cats are normal, except for thier short legs, and vets say the breed has no apparent problems. Mucnhkins were developed in Louisiana in the early 1980s. Munchkin kittens are born when a Munchkin is mated with a normal cat."
I found out this about the couple in Essex:
"Tiptree: Munchkin cat Alby released to go home
From the archive, first published Wednesday 18th Sep 2002.
Alby the munchkin cat is finally home in Tiptree after six months of controversy and quarantine.
The first specially-bred munchkin cat in Britain is being kept out of the limelight after the furore which erupted almost six months ago.
The white feline was flown over from America in March and faced the long wait in quarantine before joining owners Barry Newcombe and Sue Bloxham's other pedigree cats, a Sphinx and Birman, at home.
Animal rights groups had criticised Alby when he was brought into the country.
His legs are a third of the size compared with an average feline.
The cat is popular in the United States because its breeding makes it unlikely to jump and climb, staying closer to home.
The Cat Association of Great Britain also condemned the deliberate genetic changes, not recognising the munchkin as a breed and warning that severe health problems were likely as a result.
The couple are adamant he will live a full and happy life despite his short legs.
Speaking in April, Mrs Bloxham compared Alby to a corgi or dachshund dog which also have shorter legs.
Published Wednesday September 18, 2002"
Maybe you could try contacting Barry %26 Sue (sorry not sure how . maybe they are in the phonebook?).
There's a photo of the kitten in the Sun article.. his little short legs make his tail look gigantic! And the final Guardian article says that his owners are considering breeding him. As this was back in 2002, it may have happened by now.
Hope that this is a little more help, at least.
My only other recommendation is that you try placing your own wanted advert on a site like kittenlist or preloved or adtrader - someone may respond.
Try petfinder.com. It has listings from shelters in the area. There are plenty of stray kittens that need a home.
you have asked this before and were told then that they don't exist in the UK.
Oh please don't get one! They are not a natural breed and are often born with deformities. Also, they can't defend themselves as well as other cats. I know they look cute and cuddly but it's not fair to the cat. Don't condone the breeding of this animal!! Besides, there are so many great cats that need homes out there.
There are TONS of purebred kittens available at your local ASPCA, SPCA, Humane Society, and even your local animal shelter (city and county). You'd be surprised to see how many purebred kittens there are looking for loving homes:)
You'll also get a great deal--between $30-50 for a kitten that is fully vaccinated (retail value: $40-60), dewormed ($40), tested for FeLV and FIV (Feline Leukemia %26 Aids- $40-90), de-flead (Frontline or Advantage-- $16/month), and so on and so forth. You're also saving a life.how great is that?
Go to this website. You can find a list of breeders there. Hope you find one to love!
I've just had a look at them on google I think they look weird get a siamese they are the best looking cats around.
Its not kitten season now, it runs from spring to september time which is when you will find most kittens about. try checking your local yellow pages for cat sanctuaries in your area or call the RSPCA.
go on ebay or pet shop.you can evan find them on the street.
you could also try this web site www.petfinder.com i'm not sure if you're going to find anything in your area but it's worth a try. good luck
check www.craigslist.org Some times U may find a free one. good luck.
Hi, this website has a contact email for the Munchkin Breeders Club - maybe emailing them would get some contacts for you.
I've also found the following article -
"Debate on Munchkin cat breed
source: Sarah Hall
Guardian March 29 2002 p12
Animal welfare groups in Britain are concerned about the arrival of a new breed of cat, the Munchkin, which has very short legs. Cat Association of Great Britain director, Therese Clarke, sees the cats as similar to freaks of nature, and thinks it unfair to breed cats unable to hunt, climb and jump. Cat Fancy is also concerend, as is the British Small Animals Veterinary Association, which sees possible welfare and health implications arising from breeding animals that have extreme features in their anatomy. The importers of the cat, a couple from Essex, argue that the cats are normal, except for thier short legs, and vets say the breed has no apparent problems. Mucnhkins were developed in Louisiana in the early 1980s. Munchkin kittens are born when a Munchkin is mated with a normal cat."
I found out this about the couple in Essex:
"Tiptree: Munchkin cat Alby released to go home
From the archive, first published Wednesday 18th Sep 2002.
Alby the munchkin cat is finally home in Tiptree after six months of controversy and quarantine.
The first specially-bred munchkin cat in Britain is being kept out of the limelight after the furore which erupted almost six months ago.
The white feline was flown over from America in March and faced the long wait in quarantine before joining owners Barry Newcombe and Sue Bloxham's other pedigree cats, a Sphinx and Birman, at home.
Animal rights groups had criticised Alby when he was brought into the country.
His legs are a third of the size compared with an average feline.
The cat is popular in the United States because its breeding makes it unlikely to jump and climb, staying closer to home.
The Cat Association of Great Britain also condemned the deliberate genetic changes, not recognising the munchkin as a breed and warning that severe health problems were likely as a result.
The couple are adamant he will live a full and happy life despite his short legs.
Speaking in April, Mrs Bloxham compared Alby to a corgi or dachshund dog which also have shorter legs.
Published Wednesday September 18, 2002"
Maybe you could try contacting Barry %26 Sue (sorry not sure how . maybe they are in the phonebook?).
There's a photo of the kitten in the Sun article.. his little short legs make his tail look gigantic! And the final Guardian article says that his owners are considering breeding him. As this was back in 2002, it may have happened by now.
Hope that this is a little more help, at least.
My only other recommendation is that you try placing your own wanted advert on a site like kittenlist or preloved or adtrader - someone may respond.
Try petfinder.com. It has listings from shelters in the area. There are plenty of stray kittens that need a home.
you have asked this before and were told then that they don't exist in the UK.
Oh please don't get one! They are not a natural breed and are often born with deformities. Also, they can't defend themselves as well as other cats. I know they look cute and cuddly but it's not fair to the cat. Don't condone the breeding of this animal!! Besides, there are so many great cats that need homes out there.
There are TONS of purebred kittens available at your local ASPCA, SPCA, Humane Society, and even your local animal shelter (city and county). You'd be surprised to see how many purebred kittens there are looking for loving homes:)
You'll also get a great deal--between $30-50 for a kitten that is fully vaccinated (retail value: $40-60), dewormed ($40), tested for FeLV and FIV (Feline Leukemia %26 Aids- $40-90), de-flead (Frontline or Advantage-- $16/month), and so on and so forth. You're also saving a life.how great is that?
May cat used to urinate in his litter box, but now he just does it everywhere, what could be the problem?
Bladder problem?
may have a bladder infection!! you should have it check by vet.!!
Your cat might have a bladder problem or might not like the kind of litter you are using. Try another brand and see if that helps.
You said "he" if it IS a male. he's "marking" (his territory). You probably also notice that the pee is crazy strong smelling! There is a product you can get at petco called Nature's Miracle - to clean yor carpet upholstry, etc. It works well. As far as stopping it - I'd speak to a vet. Good Luck!
Your cat is a male and you haven't had him fixed, what he's doing is marking his territory. If you take him to the vet now and have him neutered he might stop, but if you wait to long he'll never stop.
Several answers, your cat could have a urinary track infection. Take it to the vet, or look it up on the Internet, changing to dry cat food for urinary tract health helps. No wet food, no fish, or table scraps. Second, maybe the litter box needs to be cleaned more often. Third, if you have more than one cat, you might have to get a separate litter box. The cat could have a problem with it's kidneys, usually older cats. The cat is doing it usually because it's hurting and it's a good way to let you know since obviously they can't talk. Best of luck.
It could be a number of things.
First, could be a medical problem. Take him to the vet to rule that out.
Second, did you change litters? Did you move the box? Did the cat get scared when he was using the litter box? All of these will cause a cat to stop using a litter box.
You need to clean the spots where he is going or he will never stop. You need to get a product from the vet (recommended) or pet store SPECIFICALLY made for getting cat urine smell out of carpet etc. Cats have excellent noses that even when you use Mr Clean, amonia, pepper etc, they can still smell it until you use one of these products.
Dont scold the cat either.they know they are doing wrong. You can actually make it worse by yelling or swatting the cat or rubbing his nose in it.
One last thing.ensure the cat is fixed. Esp male cats. they are prone to the urinating or getting UTI when they are not fixed. The food should also be low ash to help the cat prevent these.
Not enough info. We have had cats all our lives. We have two now. One is old and she uses the litter box most times, but sometimes I think she doesn't want to make the effort. So, age could be one reason.
A different brand of kitty litter or not changing the litter often enough could be another reason.
If you have more than one cat, it could be the other cat(s).
It could be a kidney infection.
Is it a male cat? Is it not neutered?
One cat we had, a Siamese, was a whiney, gripey, pee-on-your-sleeping-bags because you're going camping without me type of cat. There was no cure.
Only thing I could suggest is to have your vet check out your cat for some kind of kidney problem. Or try a different brand of cat litter. Move the cat box to a more convenient location.
Good luck.
It could be several reasons, %26 to list a few,
1. he is spraying
2. he is mad at you for something and using the house as a litter box
3. The litter box gets too full before you can get home to clean it out?
You didnt mention the age of you fur-baby, but why he is doing it, I would have to guess spraying
Could be an editorial statement as to the cleanliness of his catbox or you changed his food or got a new girlfriend or the weather changed and you did not fix it or he has a bladder issue.neurtered male cats are very likely to have bladder problems..it is vet visit time.lucky you.
Has your schedule changed lately? Are you spending less time at home and less time with kitty? New roommate? Does the cat ignore you when you are around? Cats can be pretty perceptive and don't like change to much. Your cat may be acting out of spite towards you for something you have done or haven't done. Have you gotten a new kitty lately?
I use to live in L.A. with my roommate Joanne and my cat Maxie. Joanne and I were usually always home, but we both started dating around the same time so Maxie was alone. He would try to run outside whenever we opened the door, which was something he had never done before. Anyway, he would pee on the bed of the roommate that got home the latest. I kid you not. Onetime my roomie went to New york for a 3 day trip. I went on an overnight trip and when I got home I saw that Maxie had S and P** all over my roommates bed. She really did not deserve that because after all Maxie was my Cat. I had one hour to go to laundry mat to wash her down comforter and sheets She would of killed me if she had seen her bed, but i made it in the e nick of time to pick her up at the airport. We decide to give Maxie to someone who said they wanted outside cat. I was sad, but cat p smell is the worst.
Matted hair?
My cats hair keeps matting. He's part Main Coon, so if you know about cats he's very large and has super long hair. I brush him as much as I can, but it's painful to him. I can't afford a groomer right now so I'm thinking of just shaving the parts of him that get so matted, mainly under his front legs. Anything you guys do that keep your cats hair from matting?
i'VE GOT the same problem with my Siamese, she's got beautifully long hair, it mats under her legs, what I've done, is when she's sleeping or letting me get her belly, I will cut out the matts.She's finicky, and prissy,and scaredy anyway, I dont want to take her to the groomers, poor thing, so I do it myself, the best that I can.
Get you a shed ender from wal-mart I bought one last night,a nd that thing gets fur out from the undercoats! She's looking so much better now.talk about hair! whoo weee! but it did the trick!
Take your cat to the groomers, give him a Lion cut.
I've had the same problem before with a 'happily lazy' overweight cat. Used to cut the really bad spots out and try to comb her everyday but that really didn't work.
Now she just gets shaved once ever few months.
She seems happier without all the hair to have to groom.
Groom your cat more gently, or use a rubber comb/brush.
Also, make the house hotter and he'll start losing some fur because of it, should make it easier.
I have a Norwegian Forest cat wannabe and he has trouble with matting. He has that double coat that combs don't really get through. Mostly on his right side on which he lies every night on the couch. The mats form in the back on the sides near his hips and he absolutely doesn't want me to touch them. I comb him around his head and all the way back behind the shoulders and when I reach the mats he grabs my hand and clamps his teeth on it. He doesn't "bite" and he definitely lets me know I am not allowed to do that!
Sometimes I can tease them out a little and when they get really bad the vet techs will use the clippers to take them out. Two of them can really give him a good combout too.
my vet gives me valum for my cat so i can inject her before shaving her matts off .i am serious. cats do not like the sound of clippers, and it is painful to her also. thats what has worked the best for me. i do save up money to take her for grooming every few months tho, she needs a good clean bath. but cats dont like strangers, so whatever happens..make sure you are their to make him feel comfortable.
I have two persian cats so I know exactly what you mean. When there's a mat in the hair I brush them out there while holding the strand of hair so they don't feel the pain. I used the round brush first and then I use the metal fine-tooth comb. The metal comb usually does the trick but sometimes the mats are really bad so you just have the cut it. I find that giving them baths reguarly (once every 2 weeks) helps a lot too.
i'VE GOT the same problem with my Siamese, she's got beautifully long hair, it mats under her legs, what I've done, is when she's sleeping or letting me get her belly, I will cut out the matts.She's finicky, and prissy,and scaredy anyway, I dont want to take her to the groomers, poor thing, so I do it myself, the best that I can.
Get you a shed ender from wal-mart I bought one last night,a nd that thing gets fur out from the undercoats! She's looking so much better now.talk about hair! whoo weee! but it did the trick!
Take your cat to the groomers, give him a Lion cut.
I've had the same problem before with a 'happily lazy' overweight cat. Used to cut the really bad spots out and try to comb her everyday but that really didn't work.
Now she just gets shaved once ever few months.
She seems happier without all the hair to have to groom.
Groom your cat more gently, or use a rubber comb/brush.
Also, make the house hotter and he'll start losing some fur because of it, should make it easier.
I have a Norwegian Forest cat wannabe and he has trouble with matting. He has that double coat that combs don't really get through. Mostly on his right side on which he lies every night on the couch. The mats form in the back on the sides near his hips and he absolutely doesn't want me to touch them. I comb him around his head and all the way back behind the shoulders and when I reach the mats he grabs my hand and clamps his teeth on it. He doesn't "bite" and he definitely lets me know I am not allowed to do that!
Sometimes I can tease them out a little and when they get really bad the vet techs will use the clippers to take them out. Two of them can really give him a good combout too.
my vet gives me valum for my cat so i can inject her before shaving her matts off .i am serious. cats do not like the sound of clippers, and it is painful to her also. thats what has worked the best for me. i do save up money to take her for grooming every few months tho, she needs a good clean bath. but cats dont like strangers, so whatever happens..make sure you are their to make him feel comfortable.
I have two persian cats so I know exactly what you mean. When there's a mat in the hair I brush them out there while holding the strand of hair so they don't feel the pain. I used the round brush first and then I use the metal fine-tooth comb. The metal comb usually does the trick but sometimes the mats are really bad so you just have the cut it. I find that giving them baths reguarly (once every 2 weeks) helps a lot too.
Matted Fur on A Cat?
She is not brushed often because she is very sensitive and hates it. Unfortunately she is fluffy and has fine fur so it has tangled and matted close to her skin. We cut them off last year and everything grew back beautifully, but THIS time they are tight to her skin - too risky. Any suggestions?
We have the same problem with our cat.she has never let us brush or comb her, and she has stopped grooming herself, and her fur is getting matted quite badly. We took her to the vets for their opinion as to what to do. The problem we have is that Suki has kidney failure and is on a special diet for it. The vet said that they normally sedate a cat to enable them to shave the animal, but because of Suki's kidney problem they can't sedate her.so.the choice was for us to take her home and try and comb them out, or for her to be held down whilst they shaved her! We have tried gently combing them out and I even cut a smaller one off.but she really is not happy with us doing it so I'm afraid it's going to be that we take her back to the vets. Something has to be done as parts of her fur are now solid masses and it appears to be uncomfortable for her to lie on them.
Good luck with yours!
i have a cat like this luckily she doesnt get matted but the best thing to do would be go to a vet dont listen to suggestions on here they might hurt her the vet will give you the best answer and if it happens again then youll have the advice from last time
We had a Maine Coon that wasn't fond of being groomed and needed to be shaved to get rid of a few close mats. Our vet gave us a comb that looks like rows of nails on a stick that worked well too.
Cut as far down as you are comfortable and let them grow out a little before removing completely.
wear leather motorcycle gloves and use a cat comb, the one with the prongs not too close together. If you do it just after she has eaten she may be more sleepy and cooperative, the matted coat should untangle without cutting it.
If it's too close and too risky you might have to take her to the vet. They might have to even give her something to put her to sleep so they can take care of it. I know that if it's left alone it can cause others problems such as infection and stuff so call your vet in the morning and see what they recommend.
take her to the groomer. If she isn't grooming herself she needs to have you do it. or go to the groomer and they will do it for you if you don't want to.
We have the same problem with our cat.she has never let us brush or comb her, and she has stopped grooming herself, and her fur is getting matted quite badly. We took her to the vets for their opinion as to what to do. The problem we have is that Suki has kidney failure and is on a special diet for it. The vet said that they normally sedate a cat to enable them to shave the animal, but because of Suki's kidney problem they can't sedate her.so.the choice was for us to take her home and try and comb them out, or for her to be held down whilst they shaved her! We have tried gently combing them out and I even cut a smaller one off.but she really is not happy with us doing it so I'm afraid it's going to be that we take her back to the vets. Something has to be done as parts of her fur are now solid masses and it appears to be uncomfortable for her to lie on them.
Good luck with yours!
i have a cat like this luckily she doesnt get matted but the best thing to do would be go to a vet dont listen to suggestions on here they might hurt her the vet will give you the best answer and if it happens again then youll have the advice from last time
We had a Maine Coon that wasn't fond of being groomed and needed to be shaved to get rid of a few close mats. Our vet gave us a comb that looks like rows of nails on a stick that worked well too.
Cut as far down as you are comfortable and let them grow out a little before removing completely.
wear leather motorcycle gloves and use a cat comb, the one with the prongs not too close together. If you do it just after she has eaten she may be more sleepy and cooperative, the matted coat should untangle without cutting it.
If it's too close and too risky you might have to take her to the vet. They might have to even give her something to put her to sleep so they can take care of it. I know that if it's left alone it can cause others problems such as infection and stuff so call your vet in the morning and see what they recommend.
take her to the groomer. If she isn't grooming herself she needs to have you do it. or go to the groomer and they will do it for you if you don't want to.
material the column is made of to make a cat condo?
Trying to make a cat condo. what is the round column that the rope is on made of?
Usually some kind of wood. A tree limb or small trunk, perhaps.
you can get the tubes at a lumber yard - they are heavy duty cardboard
THere's several options you can use.
The first one is wood, and that can be pricey.
The second is pvc pipes, those run cheaper and are easier to glue the rope to.
heavy duty cardboard and carpet, sometimes you can find different size heavy tubes to make them with you can usually find them at craft stores and most carpet places will sell remnants
I have made a couple of these we used several different things. On one we used mostly PVC and carpet. We put in a couple of tunnels in and the cat had some problems with the vertical tunnels. We have used 5 gallon buckets cut to size wit a piece of wood to make a lid. You can get scraps of carpet from the local carpet dealer. For the rope we used three strand Manilla/Hemp line, you just have to decide how much bulk you are willing to add to the outside and still have it look as if it fits in the room. We used something like a microphone stand for form the back bone of the tower. good luck.
Usually some kind of wood. A tree limb or small trunk, perhaps.
you can get the tubes at a lumber yard - they are heavy duty cardboard
THere's several options you can use.
The first one is wood, and that can be pricey.
The second is pvc pipes, those run cheaper and are easier to glue the rope to.
heavy duty cardboard and carpet, sometimes you can find different size heavy tubes to make them with you can usually find them at craft stores and most carpet places will sell remnants
I have made a couple of these we used several different things. On one we used mostly PVC and carpet. We put in a couple of tunnels in and the cat had some problems with the vertical tunnels. We have used 5 gallon buckets cut to size wit a piece of wood to make a lid. You can get scraps of carpet from the local carpet dealer. For the rope we used three strand Manilla/Hemp line, you just have to decide how much bulk you are willing to add to the outside and still have it look as if it fits in the room. We used something like a microphone stand for form the back bone of the tower. good luck.
Many of us have walked dogs-have any of you actually walked a cat?
Maybe not in the middle of downtown,but.
Hi there..both my housecats are leash trained and love our outdoor excursions on foot and in cars. Unlike dogs that walk with you, cats rather walk you. ;-) It's mostly because they are interested in their surroundings and like to stop and "smell the roses" as this make the time on leash more rewarding to them. However, our exotic cats (e.g. cougars, african servals, etc) we've leash trained are more dog-like and will follow us for the walk excursions.
I tried to walk a chicken and it did not work at all. She's fine.
No--cats want freedom!
I tried to but she wouldn't go. she just sat there and looked at me lol. She's so cute :)
NOO lol when i put a leash on one of my kittys she freaked out she didnt like it at allll.
my blind kitty stays on a leash most of the time when he's outside. so, I guess I can say. sort-of.
it doesn't work
I let mine outside very seldomly and he just sniffs around and I stay with him. Then I have to grab him and bring him back inside.
I tried but it didn't work, it depends on the cat, my neighbor has walked his cat in the common yard for years.
I havent ever walked a cat before but u can get leads for cats! There is nothing odd about walking cats. Believe me, i saw someone the other day walking a ferret on a lead! Its true!
When I was kid we always had cats and I always wanted a dog. I tried to bring my cat for a walk and he did not want to have anything to do with the leash so we didn't get very far.
I did last week see a woman walking her cat downtown.
Yes My beautiful orange tabby Tammy wore a harness and would gladly walk with me on a leash. She loved to walk all around the sub-division and had to investigate every bush and flower. She also loved to ride in the car. I have owned many cats since,but have never been able to convince another cat that a walk would be fun. Usually putting a collar and leash means taking the cat for a drag. Now adays a leash and collar are only for going to the vet's. Tammy has been gone since '90 and I still miss her..
I tried walking my cat. It was so funny; I had to fight to get the leash on. Then, once we hit the sidewalk, the cat sat down and wouldn't move another inch.
I started to put the leash on my cat when she was just a kitten. Now she is used to it and doesn't try to get it off. We don't really take walks like you would a dog, but she will walk a short distance with the leash on. She walks a few feet first, then waits for me to catch up, then she will walk a few more feet. Usually though, she is distracted by something that she wants to chase or investigate, so we don't get very far! I don't take her very far from the house though.
no but i have taken my bunny rabbit on walks
wanted to..but my cat won't go outside.never seen it.
I have taken three of my cats out with a halter and a leash when they were around six months old. At that time I let my cats go outside during the day and I wanted them to be familiar with the territory around their home.
Cats recognise their territory by smell. They know the smell of every dog, raccoon, etc. they encounter on their "walks" so they will know where home is by familiarizing themselves with the local smells.
yes I have :) it takes a while for him to understand the basic skills of being walked with leash on. I started small distance like around the block and now he can do about 10 blocks, I live in a quiet area and tend to walk my cat about 6 am every other day. I don't even use cat carriers because he's afraid of being in a small space and I used the leash to take him to the vet. Lots of patience
Hi there..both my housecats are leash trained and love our outdoor excursions on foot and in cars. Unlike dogs that walk with you, cats rather walk you. ;-) It's mostly because they are interested in their surroundings and like to stop and "smell the roses" as this make the time on leash more rewarding to them. However, our exotic cats (e.g. cougars, african servals, etc) we've leash trained are more dog-like and will follow us for the walk excursions.
I tried to walk a chicken and it did not work at all. She's fine.
No--cats want freedom!
I tried to but she wouldn't go. she just sat there and looked at me lol. She's so cute :)
NOO lol when i put a leash on one of my kittys she freaked out she didnt like it at allll.
my blind kitty stays on a leash most of the time when he's outside. so, I guess I can say. sort-of.
it doesn't work
I let mine outside very seldomly and he just sniffs around and I stay with him. Then I have to grab him and bring him back inside.
I tried but it didn't work, it depends on the cat, my neighbor has walked his cat in the common yard for years.
I havent ever walked a cat before but u can get leads for cats! There is nothing odd about walking cats. Believe me, i saw someone the other day walking a ferret on a lead! Its true!
When I was kid we always had cats and I always wanted a dog. I tried to bring my cat for a walk and he did not want to have anything to do with the leash so we didn't get very far.
I did last week see a woman walking her cat downtown.
Yes My beautiful orange tabby Tammy wore a harness and would gladly walk with me on a leash. She loved to walk all around the sub-division and had to investigate every bush and flower. She also loved to ride in the car. I have owned many cats since,but have never been able to convince another cat that a walk would be fun. Usually putting a collar and leash means taking the cat for a drag. Now adays a leash and collar are only for going to the vet's. Tammy has been gone since '90 and I still miss her..
I tried walking my cat. It was so funny; I had to fight to get the leash on. Then, once we hit the sidewalk, the cat sat down and wouldn't move another inch.
I started to put the leash on my cat when she was just a kitten. Now she is used to it and doesn't try to get it off. We don't really take walks like you would a dog, but she will walk a short distance with the leash on. She walks a few feet first, then waits for me to catch up, then she will walk a few more feet. Usually though, she is distracted by something that she wants to chase or investigate, so we don't get very far! I don't take her very far from the house though.
no but i have taken my bunny rabbit on walks
wanted to..but my cat won't go outside.never seen it.
I have taken three of my cats out with a halter and a leash when they were around six months old. At that time I let my cats go outside during the day and I wanted them to be familiar with the territory around their home.
Cats recognise their territory by smell. They know the smell of every dog, raccoon, etc. they encounter on their "walks" so they will know where home is by familiarizing themselves with the local smells.
yes I have :) it takes a while for him to understand the basic skills of being walked with leash on. I started small distance like around the block and now he can do about 10 blocks, I live in a quiet area and tend to walk my cat about 6 am every other day. I don't even use cat carriers because he's afraid of being in a small space and I used the leash to take him to the vet. Lots of patience
Many Cat Questions,Please Help?
I have alot of questions about my cat, and instead of making numerous question posts i thought i should put it in one.
1.My cat is making weird sneezing sounds,is it a hairball ?
2.My cat has matted fur,is it painful for him and can I cut it off his fur without hurting him?
3.My cat used to be a indoor cat,I moved to a flat and now he stays inside, should I let him go back out again or just make him stay inside?
4.Is there any way to tell if my cat is healthy.I heard if the veins in his ears are bright pink and if his nose is wet hes healthy,is this true?
I know these are many questions,but I need to get it all in one..Thanks If You Help.
1.My cat is making weird sneezing sounds,is it a hairball ?
2.My cat has matted fur,is it painful for him and can I cut it off his fur without hurting him? YEAH - GIVE HIM/HER A SHAVE IF YOU WANT..IT WILL MAKE THEM FEEL A LOT BETTER GETTING ALL OF THE MATS OFF.
3.My cat used to be a indoor cat,I moved to a flat and now he stays inside, should I let him go back out again or just make him stay inside? I WOULD HAVE HIM STAY INSIDE - HE WILL GET USED TO IT AND IT IS A LOT SAFER FOR HIM IN THE LONG RUN.
Ques 2: I have a cat that gets matted fur. I wait until she is really relaxed and take a comb to loosen it up. Then I slide the comb between the skin and the mat and start cutting (stops you from cutting the skin) and comb mat and repeat. If really bad, vets can give you cat a mild anestic and shave the really bad areas.
Ques 3: Dont let him outside. Give him a nice big window that he lay infront of. Also, really watch he may try to make a dash for it.
Ques 4: Never heard that before. But I did have a cat get really sick and her ears looked the same.
Sorry no help on Q1 but if worried call the vet and ask if they recommend you come in.
1, It could be a hairball, it can also be an upper respiratory infection, especially if it is chronic.
2. Badly matted fur IS painful. You can cut it off, but most cats wont let you. You should try getting any terrible areas shaved by a professional grooner and then brush him after that to keep the matts at bay.
MANY foods also help with cats that matt easily.
3. For their own safety, cats should stay inside.
4.All cats have veins in their ears, regardless of health, except those that have weak hearbeats I would imagine. Wet nose is ok, but leaking nose is not, and can be an indicator of more significant things.
1. If your cat is making weird sneezing sounds, I would recommend a trip to the vet to have that diagnosed and treated.
2. If your cat is matted, I would not recommend trying to cut the matts out by yourself, you can really injure your pet, besides that it is painful to your cat if he is matted. Cats skin is like paper if you cut it-it will just tear. I would recommend that you ask your vet when you are there if he/she can possibly remove the matts professionally so that he does not get injured.
3. I am not an advocate of outdoor cats, I prefer mine indoors.
4. The only way to tell if your cat is healthy is to take him to a vet. I do not believe that his nose being wet and his ears being pink are any indication of health.
I hope this helped. Good Luck.
Just as further backup on the matting. I wouldn't do it yourself. Cats' skin is very fragile and it is so easy to really cut it without meaning to. Even if you use the medical bandage scissors you can cut the skin accidentally.
Since you have a number of issues here I would take the cat to the vet for an exam. The vet techs there are competent to use the shavers to remove the mats. Then you can work on the brushing and combing at home to keep them under control.
I would keep him inside for sure. He doesn't know the new territory and neither do you. At least keep him in for almost a month, then you will know about aggressive dogs in the neighborhood, how neighbors feel about free-roaming cats, etc. He may be very happy to stay inside and of course that is the best option for his health and protection.
1)a gagging motion is more for hairballs,if she is sneezing it may be the cat litter,some brands are dustier then others,and she is getting dust up her nose when she covers it up.
2)you can try to brush it out if that does not work,you can cut it out gently,making sure you are only cutting fur and not her skin.
3)cat are generally Heathier when they are indoor cats,because they are not able to fight,eat bad things,be exposed to the elements,and be around other animals which may not be healthy.
4)a wet nose and pink ears don't necessarily mean healthy,if your cat has a good appetite,drinks plenty of water,is playful then your pet is healthy
question 1- well, as far as sneezzing your cat could have a caold. My cat was sneezing and it had a cold so the vet. gave her medicine. Or it might be a hairball if he is heaving. They usually put their head down and heaves for a bit. It's a hairballl that is traveling on its way out.
question 4- You know that your cat is healthy if it acts like itself. Whether he is playful or quiet, and acts the same, then he is healthy. As long as it eats like itself, has no diarrea ten it s healthy. I'm not sure about the nose, but you coul probably look that up online.
1.My cat is making weird sneezing sounds,is it a hairball ?
2.My cat has matted fur,is it painful for him and can I cut it off his fur without hurting him?
3.My cat used to be a indoor cat,I moved to a flat and now he stays inside, should I let him go back out again or just make him stay inside?
4.Is there any way to tell if my cat is healthy.I heard if the veins in his ears are bright pink and if his nose is wet hes healthy,is this true?
I know these are many questions,but I need to get it all in one..Thanks If You Help.
1.My cat is making weird sneezing sounds,is it a hairball ?
2.My cat has matted fur,is it painful for him and can I cut it off his fur without hurting him? YEAH - GIVE HIM/HER A SHAVE IF YOU WANT..IT WILL MAKE THEM FEEL A LOT BETTER GETTING ALL OF THE MATS OFF.
3.My cat used to be a indoor cat,I moved to a flat and now he stays inside, should I let him go back out again or just make him stay inside? I WOULD HAVE HIM STAY INSIDE - HE WILL GET USED TO IT AND IT IS A LOT SAFER FOR HIM IN THE LONG RUN.
Ques 2: I have a cat that gets matted fur. I wait until she is really relaxed and take a comb to loosen it up. Then I slide the comb between the skin and the mat and start cutting (stops you from cutting the skin) and comb mat and repeat. If really bad, vets can give you cat a mild anestic and shave the really bad areas.
Ques 3: Dont let him outside. Give him a nice big window that he lay infront of. Also, really watch he may try to make a dash for it.
Ques 4: Never heard that before. But I did have a cat get really sick and her ears looked the same.
Sorry no help on Q1 but if worried call the vet and ask if they recommend you come in.
1, It could be a hairball, it can also be an upper respiratory infection, especially if it is chronic.
2. Badly matted fur IS painful. You can cut it off, but most cats wont let you. You should try getting any terrible areas shaved by a professional grooner and then brush him after that to keep the matts at bay.
MANY foods also help with cats that matt easily.
3. For their own safety, cats should stay inside.
4.All cats have veins in their ears, regardless of health, except those that have weak hearbeats I would imagine. Wet nose is ok, but leaking nose is not, and can be an indicator of more significant things.
1. If your cat is making weird sneezing sounds, I would recommend a trip to the vet to have that diagnosed and treated.
2. If your cat is matted, I would not recommend trying to cut the matts out by yourself, you can really injure your pet, besides that it is painful to your cat if he is matted. Cats skin is like paper if you cut it-it will just tear. I would recommend that you ask your vet when you are there if he/she can possibly remove the matts professionally so that he does not get injured.
3. I am not an advocate of outdoor cats, I prefer mine indoors.
4. The only way to tell if your cat is healthy is to take him to a vet. I do not believe that his nose being wet and his ears being pink are any indication of health.
I hope this helped. Good Luck.
Just as further backup on the matting. I wouldn't do it yourself. Cats' skin is very fragile and it is so easy to really cut it without meaning to. Even if you use the medical bandage scissors you can cut the skin accidentally.
Since you have a number of issues here I would take the cat to the vet for an exam. The vet techs there are competent to use the shavers to remove the mats. Then you can work on the brushing and combing at home to keep them under control.
I would keep him inside for sure. He doesn't know the new territory and neither do you. At least keep him in for almost a month, then you will know about aggressive dogs in the neighborhood, how neighbors feel about free-roaming cats, etc. He may be very happy to stay inside and of course that is the best option for his health and protection.
1)a gagging motion is more for hairballs,if she is sneezing it may be the cat litter,some brands are dustier then others,and she is getting dust up her nose when she covers it up.
2)you can try to brush it out if that does not work,you can cut it out gently,making sure you are only cutting fur and not her skin.
3)cat are generally Heathier when they are indoor cats,because they are not able to fight,eat bad things,be exposed to the elements,and be around other animals which may not be healthy.
4)a wet nose and pink ears don't necessarily mean healthy,if your cat has a good appetite,drinks plenty of water,is playful then your pet is healthy
question 1- well, as far as sneezzing your cat could have a caold. My cat was sneezing and it had a cold so the vet. gave her medicine. Or it might be a hairball if he is heaving. They usually put their head down and heaves for a bit. It's a hairballl that is traveling on its way out.
question 4- You know that your cat is healthy if it acts like itself. Whether he is playful or quiet, and acts the same, then he is healthy. As long as it eats like itself, has no diarrea ten it s healthy. I'm not sure about the nose, but you coul probably look that up online.
Manx Cat - where to find one.?
I'm looking for a manx cat near Dothan, AL and do not even know where to begin! I've looked at the classifieds but no luck so far. If anyone knows anywhere near Dothan, it would be greatly appreciated.
go to petfinders.com.this is a site for rescue groups.just enter your Zip code, and be AMAZED at how many great choices you have !!.i adopted a Great Pyrenees mix from them, and my dog Sylvester is awesome !!..check it out.try it..do a good deed.adopt a Manx cat today !.good luck to you, in your search for a Manx cat as a new pet !!
Put an ad in your local paper under pets (looking for a manx) they are great cats my sister had them. just a note of interest. When a manx has kittens and they have a tail, their tail tends to be longer than a normal cat. I had one of the kittens that had a tail. None of her kittens were born with tails. The mother cat had been dropped off because my sister lived on a farm. Our family loved and cherished these cats for years we all had one or more the last one died in 2004.
I would suggest doing a search for Manx Breeders. Being an "exotic" breed of cat you may have to do some traveling. Some breeders are willing to ship them, however, I'm kind of against this method. I suspect you may not have to travel too far to find a breeder. The Manx is becoming a very popular breed. I recently traveled 500 miles to bring my Bengal home. Very beautiful breed also.
I'm in a yahoo group called TC_rescue--Tailless Cat Rescue. There are also other Manx groups, but mostly it's to talk about Manx that we already have. You may want to join the TC rescue group and check out the messages. Or you can try petfinder.com. There are lots of Manx listed there! Most won't be purebred though; they will be Manx mixes, but they are all beautiful nonetheless. I have a male Manx-mix named Gimli. His mom was a feral cat that I socialized and his dad was a stray Manx.
I was incredibly lucky- I found a 5 week old manx kitten on the side of the highway and brought him home, and he's now my baby! I know it doesn't help but. I thought it would be encouraging. You'll find one soon!
go to petfinders.com.this is a site for rescue groups.just enter your Zip code, and be AMAZED at how many great choices you have !!.i adopted a Great Pyrenees mix from them, and my dog Sylvester is awesome !!..check it out.try it..do a good deed.adopt a Manx cat today !.good luck to you, in your search for a Manx cat as a new pet !!
Put an ad in your local paper under pets (looking for a manx) they are great cats my sister had them. just a note of interest. When a manx has kittens and they have a tail, their tail tends to be longer than a normal cat. I had one of the kittens that had a tail. None of her kittens were born with tails. The mother cat had been dropped off because my sister lived on a farm. Our family loved and cherished these cats for years we all had one or more the last one died in 2004.
I would suggest doing a search for Manx Breeders. Being an "exotic" breed of cat you may have to do some traveling. Some breeders are willing to ship them, however, I'm kind of against this method. I suspect you may not have to travel too far to find a breeder. The Manx is becoming a very popular breed. I recently traveled 500 miles to bring my Bengal home. Very beautiful breed also.
I'm in a yahoo group called TC_rescue--Tailless Cat Rescue. There are also other Manx groups, but mostly it's to talk about Manx that we already have. You may want to join the TC rescue group and check out the messages. Or you can try petfinder.com. There are lots of Manx listed there! Most won't be purebred though; they will be Manx mixes, but they are all beautiful nonetheless. I have a male Manx-mix named Gimli. His mom was a feral cat that I socialized and his dad was a stray Manx.
I was incredibly lucky- I found a 5 week old manx kitten on the side of the highway and brought him home, and he's now my baby! I know it doesn't help but. I thought it would be encouraging. You'll find one soon!
mama cat keeps seperating 1 of her week old kittens from the other 2. does it with all of them not same kitty?
She will take 1 of her 3 week old kittens to a location away from other 2. She does it with all of them usually some time during the day. It's NOT the same cat each time. Usually she drags it from the closet in bedroom to under a chair in the living room. She might lay their with it and nurse or she might leave it under chair and go eat, play, etc. Usually it will start crying and I will take it and put it with the others. Later the mama may bring that one back out or it may be a different one. She will do this several times a day and has been doing for about 3 days now.It's driving me nuts! Also, I have 2 other kittens that have lived with mama for 7 months, will they hurt the kittens? Having a hard time keeping them away from the babies.
It's natural behaviour for a mama cat to hide here kits.
It will be good if you can cage up the mama with her 3 kitties. That way, she won't be able to keep on trying to hide them. And she will not stray away and the kits will have more chances of geeting milk for her. And then, she'll be able to teach them how to use the litter box.
Do this for abt 8~12 weeks before you let them out.
let me just say "SPAY" to you..stop the insanity.the cat is nervous about her location.get her a private place and start saving for her surgery!
maybe your smell on the kitten makes her do that. Do put them together though, just don't handle them an awful lot. The older kittens might harm the new ones, unless their mummy make it clear to them that she doesn't allow that.
Hi I have seen a cat do this before %26 you just have to watch them as she will carry on doing it.not too sure if she only likes to feed 2 or less at a time but cats can do some strange things.just make sure that the kittens get enough to eat from her %26 it is kept warm or return it to where the others are.not much else you can do but soon they will be able to get around %26 she won't have the last say in where her kittens go as they will find their own way.
Regards Jake
maybe she does that coz it does'nt it become any wosrt for the kittens, just be patient.
It's natural behaviour for a mama cat to hide here kits.
It will be good if you can cage up the mama with her 3 kitties. That way, she won't be able to keep on trying to hide them. And she will not stray away and the kits will have more chances of geeting milk for her. And then, she'll be able to teach them how to use the litter box.
Do this for abt 8~12 weeks before you let them out.
let me just say "SPAY" to you..stop the insanity.the cat is nervous about her location.get her a private place and start saving for her surgery!
maybe your smell on the kitten makes her do that. Do put them together though, just don't handle them an awful lot. The older kittens might harm the new ones, unless their mummy make it clear to them that she doesn't allow that.
Hi I have seen a cat do this before %26 you just have to watch them as she will carry on doing it.not too sure if she only likes to feed 2 or less at a time but cats can do some strange things.just make sure that the kittens get enough to eat from her %26 it is kept warm or return it to where the others are.not much else you can do but soon they will be able to get around %26 she won't have the last say in where her kittens go as they will find their own way.
Regards Jake
maybe she does that coz it does'nt it become any wosrt for the kittens, just be patient.
Mama cat and kitten have fleas, don't know what to do?
The kittens are 7 wks old and still nursing. Mama cat has a flea collar and is an outdoor cat. I don't know how effective treating the mother will be if she's outside most of the time. If i treat the kittens what's the point since they'll most likely get infected by mom over and over again. I'm going to have mama cat spayed as soon as she weans the kittens but for the time being what can I do?
Frontline is acceptable mode of treatment for the mother cat and her kittens, you may need to reduce the dosage just a bit. Before you do that, there is a newer product out there call "Capstar" which when given will get rid of fleas that are on the pets within the hour. It is then, that you follow up with either Frontline or Advantage. Both products can be obtained by your local veterinarian and further instructions given as to how to administer. It is a liquid that you run at the nape of the next and a few drops at the base of the tail. If they are heavily infested, you may need to treat your home and grounds as well. It is possible to still see fleas after treatment, however, this is due to infestations in the yard or home. While these may get back on the pet, they will soon die after a blood meal and so until they are treated, your home, and the grounds, this is an on-going problem that you have to treat 3 fold. Also, just FYI: Flea collars are basically useless. We have never had good success with them in our veterniarian clinic. Just a waste of good money most of the time. Good Luck!
Call a animal shelter and they would be happy to make a valid recommendation.
give them flea collers
Frontline. Ask the vet if the kittens are too young for it though.
Take off the flea collar as that won't control the fleas and might be harmful to the kittens.
Please call the vet and check if mama cat can have a dose of Advantage or Frontline without harming the kittens. Those are the most effective products and need to be applied monthly. It doesn't matter if she goes outside or not.
The mother cat should have been treated with this stuff before the kittens were born. I can't understand people who let their cats get pregnant and don't take her in for a health check early in the pregnancy. That way if there are any complications with the birthing the vet considers the cat to be a "client" and you can get some advice by telephone if problems arise.
I don't mean to be a scold with you personally I just don't understand why people don't do this with their pregnant cats.
I sugest that you don't use a flea coler because a cat can get it off sooner or later and then you will find it the collor every were you go I sugest going to your vet and asking them if you can flealine and then if that does not work then you can go back to your vet and then ask her
Kittens need to be at least 3 months old before you can apply any flea stuff from the pet shop. Try some naturist remedy for them. Wormwood is the plant you need, can make tea out of it. Worked wonders with my 1 month old kitten which was FULL of fleas.
Frontline is acceptable mode of treatment for the mother cat and her kittens, you may need to reduce the dosage just a bit. Before you do that, there is a newer product out there call "Capstar" which when given will get rid of fleas that are on the pets within the hour. It is then, that you follow up with either Frontline or Advantage. Both products can be obtained by your local veterinarian and further instructions given as to how to administer. It is a liquid that you run at the nape of the next and a few drops at the base of the tail. If they are heavily infested, you may need to treat your home and grounds as well. It is possible to still see fleas after treatment, however, this is due to infestations in the yard or home. While these may get back on the pet, they will soon die after a blood meal and so until they are treated, your home, and the grounds, this is an on-going problem that you have to treat 3 fold. Also, just FYI: Flea collars are basically useless. We have never had good success with them in our veterniarian clinic. Just a waste of good money most of the time. Good Luck!
Call a animal shelter and they would be happy to make a valid recommendation.
give them flea collers
Frontline. Ask the vet if the kittens are too young for it though.
Take off the flea collar as that won't control the fleas and might be harmful to the kittens.
Please call the vet and check if mama cat can have a dose of Advantage or Frontline without harming the kittens. Those are the most effective products and need to be applied monthly. It doesn't matter if she goes outside or not.
The mother cat should have been treated with this stuff before the kittens were born. I can't understand people who let their cats get pregnant and don't take her in for a health check early in the pregnancy. That way if there are any complications with the birthing the vet considers the cat to be a "client" and you can get some advice by telephone if problems arise.
I don't mean to be a scold with you personally I just don't understand why people don't do this with their pregnant cats.
I sugest that you don't use a flea coler because a cat can get it off sooner or later and then you will find it the collor every were you go I sugest going to your vet and asking them if you can flealine and then if that does not work then you can go back to your vet and then ask her
Kittens need to be at least 3 months old before you can apply any flea stuff from the pet shop. Try some naturist remedy for them. Wormwood is the plant you need, can make tea out of it. Worked wonders with my 1 month old kitten which was FULL of fleas.
Male or Female Companion for my cat?
I'm looking to bring another kitty in the family so my current kitty is not so lonely. Should I adopt a female or a male..my kitty now is a male and neutered.
Thanks for the opinion! It would be good to adopt a cat his same age right? he's 1year.
I'd go with a female about the same age and size. Have her spayed to. In my experiece to females live very well together, but 2 males do not.
You are doing right by getting your current kitty a companion. Cats do get lonely.
I would say get a girl. If their is aother boy they might fight and fighting is not good. So my advice is get a girl. Say hi to your kitty for me!!
I would recommend a female. Most male cats are tolerant of other cats entering the household. It's the female cats that have an issue. We know a lady who has 20 cats. The males are the sweetest but the females are very picky.
It really doesnt matter. What it comes down to is if the new cat is sociable or not. So long as it is neutered.
At the shelter we have had grumpy males and females, cats and kittens. Some hate to have brothers and sisters and others love it, and others couldnt care less so long as they are fed (LOL) and have their own place.
There will more than likely hissing/growling/spitting. But so long as there is no fur flying or blood drawn all will work out. Just dont interfere unless there is blood being drawn.
Good luck with it all.
either a spayed female kitten or neuterd male. both would work well together. any age is fyn. cats are soo cute wen they play together. so if u want a lot of playin and cat wrestlin get another male. hope it helped.
Get a girl and call her Bernard!
I would rescue a spayed/neutered cat that is just a little younger than your present cat . so he can remain the ALPHA in the house. You will reduce your chances of having the new cat "mark" territory if you select a female one.
If you want another male, you can go with either a kitten or an adult. If you want a female cat, get a small kitten. Older females, even spayed, can be very testy. All my adult females are weird about new adults I bring into the home and a couple are even weird about the kittens, male or female. But my male cats are like, "Enh, whatever." with whatever I bring home. And I do know cats, I have 8.
If both cats will ultimately be neutered/spayed, it really doesn't matter. I've had two males at one time, two females, and one of each, and they all got along nicely, especially after they were "fixed." So - go with your own preference - chances are good that your cats will be content no matter what.
Once their both neutered he should be with either sex, bring him down to local sanctuary and ask can he have trial time with some cats the have in care to see how he gets on. It all depends on their personality and as you know cats have big personalities. Choose something that is quiet if yours is boisterous already or visa versa.
Goodluck with the new addition
It's nice to hear that you are adopting older cats, so many are left abandoned, and everyone seems to want the cute kitten.
I have four kids, and three of them are male and then we have the Queen bee..I don't think it matters, as long as you introduce them slowly, don't over react when they hiss and snarl, that is normal, make sure that the new adoptee has been neutered or spayed, this could cause an issue, and remember that one of them will want to be the dominant, whether male or female.
Congrats on your growing family.
i dont think it matters. i had a female 7 yrs old and got a male kitten. no she didnt like it at frist but she soon got used to him.
good luck
Thanks for the opinion! It would be good to adopt a cat his same age right? he's 1year.
I'd go with a female about the same age and size. Have her spayed to. In my experiece to females live very well together, but 2 males do not.
You are doing right by getting your current kitty a companion. Cats do get lonely.
I would say get a girl. If their is aother boy they might fight and fighting is not good. So my advice is get a girl. Say hi to your kitty for me!!
I would recommend a female. Most male cats are tolerant of other cats entering the household. It's the female cats that have an issue. We know a lady who has 20 cats. The males are the sweetest but the females are very picky.
It really doesnt matter. What it comes down to is if the new cat is sociable or not. So long as it is neutered.
At the shelter we have had grumpy males and females, cats and kittens. Some hate to have brothers and sisters and others love it, and others couldnt care less so long as they are fed (LOL) and have their own place.
There will more than likely hissing/growling/spitting. But so long as there is no fur flying or blood drawn all will work out. Just dont interfere unless there is blood being drawn.
Good luck with it all.
either a spayed female kitten or neuterd male. both would work well together. any age is fyn. cats are soo cute wen they play together. so if u want a lot of playin and cat wrestlin get another male. hope it helped.
Get a girl and call her Bernard!
I would rescue a spayed/neutered cat that is just a little younger than your present cat . so he can remain the ALPHA in the house. You will reduce your chances of having the new cat "mark" territory if you select a female one.
If you want another male, you can go with either a kitten or an adult. If you want a female cat, get a small kitten. Older females, even spayed, can be very testy. All my adult females are weird about new adults I bring into the home and a couple are even weird about the kittens, male or female. But my male cats are like, "Enh, whatever." with whatever I bring home. And I do know cats, I have 8.
If both cats will ultimately be neutered/spayed, it really doesn't matter. I've had two males at one time, two females, and one of each, and they all got along nicely, especially after they were "fixed." So - go with your own preference - chances are good that your cats will be content no matter what.
Once their both neutered he should be with either sex, bring him down to local sanctuary and ask can he have trial time with some cats the have in care to see how he gets on. It all depends on their personality and as you know cats have big personalities. Choose something that is quiet if yours is boisterous already or visa versa.
Goodluck with the new addition
It's nice to hear that you are adopting older cats, so many are left abandoned, and everyone seems to want the cute kitten.
I have four kids, and three of them are male and then we have the Queen bee..I don't think it matters, as long as you introduce them slowly, don't over react when they hiss and snarl, that is normal, make sure that the new adoptee has been neutered or spayed, this could cause an issue, and remember that one of them will want to be the dominant, whether male or female.
Congrats on your growing family.
i dont think it matters. i had a female 7 yrs old and got a male kitten. no she didnt like it at frist but she soon got used to him.
good luck
Male kitten?
I have a 6 yr old male cat and in a few yrs I wanted to get a male kitten I know I have to slowly introduce the two but will my older male cat be upset and start spraying everything to mark his terrority or will he be OK ? any Vets in here can help me out that would be Awesome
I am a vet tech and in my experience it depends upon you male cats personality. If he is of the more dominate persuasion, he will definitely start spraying. Cats spray to mark their territory and anywhere he smells the scent of the new kitten he will spray. Has your male cat been neutered? If so it may be a better choice to bring in a female kitten.
he might mark his turf, I would~meow
if your cat is fixed, you shouldn't have any problems with spraying,
only thing is that the older cat will show his dominance. by, giving the kitten nasty snarls or not letting him eat out of his bowl, or use his litter box. but with time they will get used to each other. Just make sure you provide an extra box for the kitten at that time.
I would definitely think about a female kitten instead. He may be so upset that he'll kill the kitten if it is another male. Sounds like he hasn't been neutered?
Why does it have to be a kitten? Very young mother cats are taken into shelters every year. Then they are passed over when people only want their darling offspring.
is your older cat neutered? if he is there is less of a chance of spraying
Hi, i had two male cats, both siblings i lost one (he was 5 1/2 years old) due to kidney failure. His brother was devastated, so after a while I decided to get him a kitten friend, the new kitten was 8 weeks old, it took him a while to get used to him, but he was pleased to have another companion. They are now best of friends.
It depends on your male's attitude. And it really depends on whether or not he's been neutered. Males that haven't been fixed tend to spray things to mark their territory. So.I'd suggest getting a female kitten.
I am a vet tech and in my experience it depends upon you male cats personality. If he is of the more dominate persuasion, he will definitely start spraying. Cats spray to mark their territory and anywhere he smells the scent of the new kitten he will spray. Has your male cat been neutered? If so it may be a better choice to bring in a female kitten.
he might mark his turf, I would~meow
if your cat is fixed, you shouldn't have any problems with spraying,
only thing is that the older cat will show his dominance. by, giving the kitten nasty snarls or not letting him eat out of his bowl, or use his litter box. but with time they will get used to each other. Just make sure you provide an extra box for the kitten at that time.
I would definitely think about a female kitten instead. He may be so upset that he'll kill the kitten if it is another male. Sounds like he hasn't been neutered?
Why does it have to be a kitten? Very young mother cats are taken into shelters every year. Then they are passed over when people only want their darling offspring.
is your older cat neutered? if he is there is less of a chance of spraying
Hi, i had two male cats, both siblings i lost one (he was 5 1/2 years old) due to kidney failure. His brother was devastated, so after a while I decided to get him a kitten friend, the new kitten was 8 weeks old, it took him a while to get used to him, but he was pleased to have another companion. They are now best of friends.
It depends on your male's attitude. And it really depends on whether or not he's been neutered. Males that haven't been fixed tend to spray things to mark their territory. So.I'd suggest getting a female kitten.
Male Fixed Cat all of a sudden spraying!! HELP!?
Okay, so I have a three year old Male cat (fixed) who is now deciding to start spraying. I have only owned him for about 6 months or so. He has never sprayed. We did move into a new house. I know what you are thinking "Duh! its the new house!!" . I wish that was it! (maybe it still is) But he hasn't started doing it until maybe amonth and a half after moving in.
AND he isn't doing it just anywhere. He sprays right in front of my door and right infront of the closet (two doors in my room). No where else in the house. How can I get him to stop? I've tried some carpet spray to remove the smell, but he keeps just spraying there. So it never goes away.
I've seen him do it!! he's spraying! he even knows its not good. Cause when I catch him he'll run away.But he keeps doing it
he's an awesome cat, and he is very loyal.. but why all of a sudden so protective of our room?
the smell is driving me crazy! especially when I am trying to sleep.. It's all I can smell! HELP!
Get him checked for a UTI, although I'm doubting that's it since he's doing it in very specific places. There is a possibility that a cat lived there before who sprayed, and he is covering the scent that was left. He may not have done it right after moving in because he didn't feel like this was his territory yet. Are there other pets in the house? Or do you possibly have a pet door that an outside kitty is sneaking in to eat? Cats will start spraying when another comes around their territory.
You need to get a blacklight at check your house. Make sure that the urine is only around your room. It may be more widespread than you think. Pay attention to any other markings you find, because they will give you clues as to what's going on. If you find them around windows or doors on certain sides of your house, it may be a clue that an animal outside is threatening him. Assuming it's not a medical issue, something has spooked your kitty into feeling his territoy is under attack.
Once you are able to figure out what's spooking him, you can work on removing the problem. If it's leftover scent, you'll need to scrub everything down until the marking are gone. Make sure he has scratching posts so he will have an alternative way to mark his territory. If you have a kitty door, shut it. He may have to stay inside, but at least he'll feel safer. If it's a neighbor's cat coming around, ask them to keep it inside for a while. If it's a stray, then it needs to go to an adoption agency. If it's something else (like raccoons) you may need to call animal control.
Hope this helps and you guys get the problem figured out. It's not only stressful for you, but stressful for your kitty as well. Good luck!
He's trying to tell you something, and it might be that he has a urinary tract infection. I would certainly have him tested for that.
All that aside, it could be he's establishing his territory, and that seems to be YOU (and your room). Providing he is healthy (you've checked him for UTI %26 renal problems), I would scold him when you catch him doing it or use a spray bottle filled with water %26 give him a squirt!
My preference for the odor control is Odoban. Some prefer Nature's miracle.
I know exactly how you feel. I have a neutered male that does the same thing. If you can get yours to stop let me know how you did it. We have tried everything but medication.(I have heard anti-anxiety drugs like Buspar can help) I think my cat does it in response to an outdoor cat that hangs around outside just to aggravate him. I will be watching for all the great answers you will get and maybe I will find the right one for me. Good Luck.
AND he isn't doing it just anywhere. He sprays right in front of my door and right infront of the closet (two doors in my room). No where else in the house. How can I get him to stop? I've tried some carpet spray to remove the smell, but he keeps just spraying there. So it never goes away.
I've seen him do it!! he's spraying! he even knows its not good. Cause when I catch him he'll run away.But he keeps doing it
he's an awesome cat, and he is very loyal.. but why all of a sudden so protective of our room?
the smell is driving me crazy! especially when I am trying to sleep.. It's all I can smell! HELP!
Get him checked for a UTI, although I'm doubting that's it since he's doing it in very specific places. There is a possibility that a cat lived there before who sprayed, and he is covering the scent that was left. He may not have done it right after moving in because he didn't feel like this was his territory yet. Are there other pets in the house? Or do you possibly have a pet door that an outside kitty is sneaking in to eat? Cats will start spraying when another comes around their territory.
You need to get a blacklight at check your house. Make sure that the urine is only around your room. It may be more widespread than you think. Pay attention to any other markings you find, because they will give you clues as to what's going on. If you find them around windows or doors on certain sides of your house, it may be a clue that an animal outside is threatening him. Assuming it's not a medical issue, something has spooked your kitty into feeling his territoy is under attack.
Once you are able to figure out what's spooking him, you can work on removing the problem. If it's leftover scent, you'll need to scrub everything down until the marking are gone. Make sure he has scratching posts so he will have an alternative way to mark his territory. If you have a kitty door, shut it. He may have to stay inside, but at least he'll feel safer. If it's a neighbor's cat coming around, ask them to keep it inside for a while. If it's a stray, then it needs to go to an adoption agency. If it's something else (like raccoons) you may need to call animal control.
Hope this helps and you guys get the problem figured out. It's not only stressful for you, but stressful for your kitty as well. Good luck!
He's trying to tell you something, and it might be that he has a urinary tract infection. I would certainly have him tested for that.
All that aside, it could be he's establishing his territory, and that seems to be YOU (and your room). Providing he is healthy (you've checked him for UTI %26 renal problems), I would scold him when you catch him doing it or use a spray bottle filled with water %26 give him a squirt!
My preference for the odor control is Odoban. Some prefer Nature's miracle.
I know exactly how you feel. I have a neutered male that does the same thing. If you can get yours to stop let me know how you did it. We have tried everything but medication.(I have heard anti-anxiety drugs like Buspar can help) I think my cat does it in response to an outdoor cat that hangs around outside just to aggravate him. I will be watching for all the great answers you will get and maybe I will find the right one for me. Good Luck.
Male cats.?
Does male cats have nipples?
Yes male cats do have nipples just like every other male animal.
If you can't figure out if your cat is a boy or a girl here's a picture of how to tell:
Hope that helps!
yeah mine does
Yes they do.
yes, they do.
yeah same way men do
Yup-- but just like humans, they're good for nothing on a guy
Yes, they so, not as many as the female cats.
yes they do.
uh yea. do human males have nipples? yea males %26 female cats have nipples just like dogs %26 humans. :)
yes they do
male cats also called the tom cat
females are called felines
Male cats do have nipples but they do not produce milk to feed kittens they can only help produce kittens (sexually)
the females are the only cat that has nipples that produce milk to feed to feed her litter of kittens
mine does, some time's I accidentally scratch them
Certainly, don't you?
My male cat does.
my cat does
Yes male cats do have nipples just like every other male animal.
If you can't figure out if your cat is a boy or a girl here's a picture of how to tell:
Hope that helps!
yeah mine does
Yes they do.
yes, they do.
yeah same way men do
Yup-- but just like humans, they're good for nothing on a guy
Yes, they so, not as many as the female cats.
yes they do.
uh yea. do human males have nipples? yea males %26 female cats have nipples just like dogs %26 humans. :)
yes they do
male cats also called the tom cat
females are called felines
Male cats do have nipples but they do not produce milk to feed kittens they can only help produce kittens (sexually)
the females are the only cat that has nipples that produce milk to feed to feed her litter of kittens
mine does, some time's I accidentally scratch them
Certainly, don't you?
My male cat does.
my cat does
Male cats that breast feed kittens?
A stray kitten found its way to our door last June. It was visibly smaller than the litter that we had just a few months prior. "She" was skitish %26 wouldn't let us handle "her". Our mother cat took "her" in, but mother sadly disappeared a month later. We noticed shortly thereafter that the other kittens had taken to "nursing" on the new kitten %26 we thought "how sweet, she is mothering them". This went on a while %26 of course our curiousity has gotten to us, thinking how can they stay on her so long, she can't be producing milk? Just a few weeks ago we were able to catch her with the help of a little boy who was visiting. When I turned her over, she indeed had a wet tit! But she also had the biggest set of balls I had seen on a cat! The neighbor boys found another kitten %26 brought it to us %26 now that kitten has taken to suckling on "it" as well. How is this possible? I have heard of some female cats w/ balls that l shrink later. Could this be it? Any legitimate advice is appreciated!
The teet was probably wet from the kittens saliva. Male cats do not have the mammary glands to produce milk like female cats. That's what I've learned in life so far!
I'd ask a vet to look at the cat.
If you don't have the money to regulary take your pets for check-ups that you shouldn't have any animals.
There are many differant explinations for this behaviour, but if they mean so little to you that you can't be bothered to pick up the phone and call a vet to ask a question than I'm certainly not going to help you.
maybe the kittens are confused and the boy realized it felt good?as long as the kittens are healthy and getting the nutrients they need, whats the harm?( other than making you uncomfortable)
Your kitten must be a boy.
sure,,,,and bill clinton breast feeded monica as well.
The teet was probably wet from the kittens saliva. Male cats do not have the mammary glands to produce milk like female cats. That's what I've learned in life so far!
I'd ask a vet to look at the cat.
If you don't have the money to regulary take your pets for check-ups that you shouldn't have any animals.
There are many differant explinations for this behaviour, but if they mean so little to you that you can't be bothered to pick up the phone and call a vet to ask a question than I'm certainly not going to help you.
maybe the kittens are confused and the boy realized it felt good?as long as the kittens are healthy and getting the nutrients they need, whats the harm?( other than making you uncomfortable)
Your kitten must be a boy.
sure,,,,and bill clinton breast feeded monica as well.
Male Cats & their problems?
Recently my cat was diagnosed with some urine problem. the cause crystals found in his bladder. When asked the doc said we should stop giving them cat food made by companies such as whiska , meow etc
Can anyone please send me a proper menu as to what shd i feed my cat ?(persian male cat)
My cat had some urinary problems one year ago.now I gave him PROPLAN (dry cat food - contains a medicine for urinary problems).and another think.if you gave him fish.or food that contains fish .stop doing that because it's not healthy for the male cats..especialy if he is castrate.
Go to your local pet store and ask them to show you which brands they carry that were formulated by veterinarians. Thise will usually be more balanced. One that you can get in stores like Wal Mart or Target is Science Diet. It's kinda spendy but worth it if you want to keep your cat healthy.
I've never heard of that before.However if this is true you can try IAMS.it has the different types and menus for specific needs.they may have a website also.I was always under the impression urine problems had to do with litter.but hey i'm not a vet..soooo.try the IAMS..
you should feed your cat cut up fresh meat and cooked vegetables with plenty of fresh water. The less dry food you give them the better, as to much can end up hurting their kidneys ..
some cat foods have to much preservatives in them..my cats like
mashed potato and carrots mixed together, also small pieces of cheese , not to much.. hope this helps
Walmart has an adult cat Urinary Formula that works well with my old cat,Turd Bird.He is prone to urinary problems %26 this keeps him right.Too many treats can also cause urinary illness.
I have found IAMS or Science diet has a great selection of food that Your local vet may recommend. for Urinary tract health. You can buy it at at Your vet or at most Pet supply stores like Pet Smart.
try Royal Canin this kind is really healthy and just great for the pets
it has also special formulas for persian cats .. for hairballs .. and all that is needed .. I use it for my cat and kitten
It's best to allow the cat's Vet to find the proper nurishment for you cat. The Vet will know what is best!
There is dry cat food that comes in bags that say For Urinary Tract Health. This is what your cat should be eating.
Can anyone please send me a proper menu as to what shd i feed my cat ?(persian male cat)
My cat had some urinary problems one year ago.now I gave him PROPLAN (dry cat food - contains a medicine for urinary problems).and another think.if you gave him fish.or food that contains fish .stop doing that because it's not healthy for the male cats..especialy if he is castrate.
Go to your local pet store and ask them to show you which brands they carry that were formulated by veterinarians. Thise will usually be more balanced. One that you can get in stores like Wal Mart or Target is Science Diet. It's kinda spendy but worth it if you want to keep your cat healthy.
I've never heard of that before.However if this is true you can try IAMS.it has the different types and menus for specific needs.they may have a website also.I was always under the impression urine problems had to do with litter.but hey i'm not a vet..soooo.try the IAMS..
you should feed your cat cut up fresh meat and cooked vegetables with plenty of fresh water. The less dry food you give them the better, as to much can end up hurting their kidneys ..
some cat foods have to much preservatives in them..my cats like
mashed potato and carrots mixed together, also small pieces of cheese , not to much.. hope this helps
Walmart has an adult cat Urinary Formula that works well with my old cat,Turd Bird.He is prone to urinary problems %26 this keeps him right.Too many treats can also cause urinary illness.
I have found IAMS or Science diet has a great selection of food that Your local vet may recommend. for Urinary tract health. You can buy it at at Your vet or at most Pet supply stores like Pet Smart.
try Royal Canin this kind is really healthy and just great for the pets
it has also special formulas for persian cats .. for hairballs .. and all that is needed .. I use it for my cat and kitten
It's best to allow the cat's Vet to find the proper nurishment for you cat. The Vet will know what is best!
There is dry cat food that comes in bags that say For Urinary Tract Health. This is what your cat should be eating.
Male cat peed on my baby's cot mattress..?
i washed it with warm soapy water, and then sprayed with disefectant. but the smell is still there, i only bought the mattress less than 4 weeks ago.
how can i get rid of it?
Hi, my mother taught me the cleaning of the "3 p's - pee, poo and puke". Warm soapy water with plenty of vinegar.
This neutralises bad odours and stops cats or dogs returning to the same place. Vinegar on its own would do that and I have used it to stop my cat scratching on rattan chairs.
You may smell the vinegar for a day or two but it will disappear. This also applies to human 3 p's
Had a thought about the cat on the cot - unless you have a pet you don't realise how many 'human' type feelings they have and it might be feeling jealous of the baby OR maybe it's spraying to protect it by warning off other cats - whatever, try one of the FELIWAY plug-ins. They produce a cat's "feel good" hormones, the kind they release when they rub their cheek against you leg. The plug-in is really effective and I can't reccomend it highly enough (no I'm not on commission lol) It calmed my cat when we had a houseful of workmen.
There is actually a product I saw advertised on TV that was called "Urine Gone". I have no idea if it works but you may want to give it a try.
Urine Gone, will not get rid of the smell.
sadly the smell will never go away now.
The cat will always smell it and consequently will always want to go a nd pee there.
you can use fabreeze or wash it with vinegar and water then use some fabreeze to take the vinegar smell out.
Cats in cribs is very dangerous business. You need to find a way to solve problem number one. If you don't know why, ask your pediatrician. Further, this could cause a lot of issue. Don't be a cheapskate. Get a new mattress.
there are desmell sprays. also if it was a male at, you might want to consider getting one of those sprays that that will keep the cat away or he will do it again. your local vet would have the latter, and a supermarket the former.
I don't think you can get rid of the smell.
You should, however, be careful because a cat that pees in a baby cot is probably a jealous cat. A jealous cat is just a nasty thing to have around a baby.
lots of useful ideas on this site.
i think you should be more concerned about the cat being in the cot you have to be very careful with cats as they could sufficate your baby i know this sounds terrible but it does happen
You cannot save it, throw it away! cats will urinate in areas that they feel uncomfortable in and a baby, well it is ideal. You have to buy another mattress. If your cat does not have a urnary infection, then you must find another home for it. Once they have started to pee in beds, they don't stop, the only way to stop it is to keep the door shut to tht room and you can't. So find an adopable home for it with no babies or kids. Ans get their home address and phone and check up on it to make sure they aren't those folks that get free cats and then sell them to expieriemential labs. Yes, these folks are so good at what they do they even bring their kids with them. There is a society called the no kill adoption for the homeless, call your local petco for help, the cat will be adopted or place an ad in the paper yourself. Sorry to have to say this. Don't hit the cat, it won't do any good. Fumes from cleaners will only harm your child and I went through thousands in mattresses, That bedroom door will be shut until I lose my cat, she is 16 now. Good thing I never had a baby other than cats to worry about. Good Luck to you. I forgot to ask you, is this a normal pee, or a spray? Is the cat neutered?? If not, neutering might solve the problem. You should talk to the vet if you have any hesitations on getting rid of it and see if hormones might help, but I warn you, if the cat is fixed, then you still have a problem it will do it again. I hope and pray this works ut for you all.
Try baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) It is good for odors.
Even if you get the smell out, you are still going to have a problem.
The cat is jealous of the new baby. Ensure that you give the cat a lot of attention.
Try a 1 part vinegar, three parts water solution and pour it over the mattress and then let it dry.
i have a male cat that pees on our bed and we have to keep the doors closed all the time the males smell much stronger and its very hard to completely get rid of the smell there are a few products around but see your vet for more info
try to keep the cat out of the cot that's real dangerous since i locked my cat out of the bedroom he uses his litter and sometimes the bath cats have a thing for drains if you can put up with that its very easy to get rid of the problem in the bath
how can i get rid of it?
Hi, my mother taught me the cleaning of the "3 p's - pee, poo and puke". Warm soapy water with plenty of vinegar.
This neutralises bad odours and stops cats or dogs returning to the same place. Vinegar on its own would do that and I have used it to stop my cat scratching on rattan chairs.
You may smell the vinegar for a day or two but it will disappear. This also applies to human 3 p's
Had a thought about the cat on the cot - unless you have a pet you don't realise how many 'human' type feelings they have and it might be feeling jealous of the baby OR maybe it's spraying to protect it by warning off other cats - whatever, try one of the FELIWAY plug-ins. They produce a cat's "feel good" hormones, the kind they release when they rub their cheek against you leg. The plug-in is really effective and I can't reccomend it highly enough (no I'm not on commission lol) It calmed my cat when we had a houseful of workmen.
There is actually a product I saw advertised on TV that was called "Urine Gone". I have no idea if it works but you may want to give it a try.
Urine Gone, will not get rid of the smell.
sadly the smell will never go away now.
The cat will always smell it and consequently will always want to go a nd pee there.
you can use fabreeze or wash it with vinegar and water then use some fabreeze to take the vinegar smell out.
Cats in cribs is very dangerous business. You need to find a way to solve problem number one. If you don't know why, ask your pediatrician. Further, this could cause a lot of issue. Don't be a cheapskate. Get a new mattress.
there are desmell sprays. also if it was a male at, you might want to consider getting one of those sprays that that will keep the cat away or he will do it again. your local vet would have the latter, and a supermarket the former.
I don't think you can get rid of the smell.
You should, however, be careful because a cat that pees in a baby cot is probably a jealous cat. A jealous cat is just a nasty thing to have around a baby.
lots of useful ideas on this site.
i think you should be more concerned about the cat being in the cot you have to be very careful with cats as they could sufficate your baby i know this sounds terrible but it does happen
You cannot save it, throw it away! cats will urinate in areas that they feel uncomfortable in and a baby, well it is ideal. You have to buy another mattress. If your cat does not have a urnary infection, then you must find another home for it. Once they have started to pee in beds, they don't stop, the only way to stop it is to keep the door shut to tht room and you can't. So find an adopable home for it with no babies or kids. Ans get their home address and phone and check up on it to make sure they aren't those folks that get free cats and then sell them to expieriemential labs. Yes, these folks are so good at what they do they even bring their kids with them. There is a society called the no kill adoption for the homeless, call your local petco for help, the cat will be adopted or place an ad in the paper yourself. Sorry to have to say this. Don't hit the cat, it won't do any good. Fumes from cleaners will only harm your child and I went through thousands in mattresses, That bedroom door will be shut until I lose my cat, she is 16 now. Good thing I never had a baby other than cats to worry about. Good Luck to you. I forgot to ask you, is this a normal pee, or a spray? Is the cat neutered?? If not, neutering might solve the problem. You should talk to the vet if you have any hesitations on getting rid of it and see if hormones might help, but I warn you, if the cat is fixed, then you still have a problem it will do it again. I hope and pray this works ut for you all.
Try baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) It is good for odors.
Even if you get the smell out, you are still going to have a problem.
The cat is jealous of the new baby. Ensure that you give the cat a lot of attention.
Try a 1 part vinegar, three parts water solution and pour it over the mattress and then let it dry.
i have a male cat that pees on our bed and we have to keep the doors closed all the time the males smell much stronger and its very hard to completely get rid of the smell there are a few products around but see your vet for more info
try to keep the cat out of the cot that's real dangerous since i locked my cat out of the bedroom he uses his litter and sometimes the bath cats have a thing for drains if you can put up with that its very easy to get rid of the problem in the bath
Male cat names?
I would choose a name based on your interests. For instance, I am really into mythology, so I have chosen Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse god/goddess names for my pets. Think of a character from your favorite novel, movie, t.v. show, as well as famous people in history, etc.Each animal has his or her own personality, so you can also give him a name that fits with it. Personally, I'm rather fond of the name Apollo, but good luck finding a name you like. I hope I have helped you think of some.
mike,vin,hamish,fry,stewie,and. ,austin,seth,mini me
Felix, Garfield, Grey, prince, silver, york, moscow
those are all of the ones i heard of
male cat names, can be anything you want them to be. its just like naming a child. do you ask other people what to name a child? if you want a turely geart name them you should come up with it yourself, look in baby name books if it means that much. all that really matters when it comes to naming is if you like the name and if the cat answer to the name.
Boris, Marquees, Maximo's, Mr Wiggles.
salem is a good one for a black cat.
Tom related (after all a male cat is known as a Tom):
Tom, Dooley, Thumb, Piper, Cruise, Uncle, Cabin, Sawyer, Jefferson, Eddison, Major, Becket, Doubting, Peeping, Bombadil
Old Fashioned:
Arthur, Hercules, Alfonso, Harry, Hector, Norman, Edwin, Wilbur, Eggbert, Humphrey, Sam
Mousetrap related:
Mozzarello, Parmesan, Brie, Parmesan, Gouda, Wenslydale, Gorgonzola
Fruity %26 possibly a bit vegetably:
Rhubarb, Radish, Pineapple, Pomegranite, Mango, Tamarind, Pawpaw, Bean, Butternut, Okra, Squash, Pumpkin
Or - from the Aristocats:
Abraham de Lacey, Guiseppe, Casey, Thomas O'Malley, O'Malley the Alley Cat
(now it's gonna be difficult to get the song out of my head, lol)
Plus there's a load more on this site:
mine is named kiki..
This depends onn the size of the cat; How about:
Killer,Bruiser, Terminator.
I knew a woman with a male cat names Psycho--draw your own conclusions..
O.J.(orang. juice)
I like unusual names or people names.
2 pts 4 me!
Zero is the name of my male cat, as in the dog from "The nightmare before christmas". Good luck.
Cisco, Hasbro, Sequi, Diamond, YooHoo, Ebb, Rascal, Merlin.
i named my male cats chopper and scotty
Romeo, Valentino--famous romantic men
I've had male cats named Joey and Smokey
male cat named princess..?
i've got a male cat, who is named princess, do you think that makes him confused on being a boy kitty? he's 23lbs (last time we checked) and SO cute. and hates our female cat. any suggestions?
As long as he answers to it, he is ok with it. I dont' think he cares what his name is as long as he has one. He must be really cute! I think maybe he doesn't like your other cat, because she is jealous of his name.
i thing ur cat is gay.
my dogs name is princess!
I have news for you. Your cat cannot understand English.
It has no concept of what homosexuality is either. It's a dumb beast.
well, did you name him that when you thought he was a girl? I did that. I had a cat that I thought was a girl and named it Nefertiti (after the Egyptian queen) but later found out it was a boy!! Cats really don't know if they have a boy's name or a girl's name anyway, so I hope you and princess are happy together.
thats a cute name for a kitty
i love it ..naw hes not confused as long as the fat lil butterball is happy.lol ..just love it he hates the female cat ..sounds like you got a garfield on your hands.
Nah..I don't think he minds. As long as you give him all the love he needs he should be happy!
I would so name a cat pricess boy or girl! I say it dosen't matter I think all cats are cute so they deserve cute name trust me a boy cat named princess i COOL. Well gotta go.I love the name!
What is in a name? I have cat named Rover and a dog named Miss Kitty!
It's a great name. Sounds like a drag-queen cat, and most drag queens hate real females! Very appropriate. he is a gay, fat cat.. that's funny.
Maybe your female cat knows more about princess than you do. She probably won't put up with his powder-puff ways. Take him to the vet, they will put him on a diet.
And start calling him Prince!
dude i would so name a guy cat princes d probily call him um.,, oreincess foo foo or somthing thats poimp but not likeing girl cats whos caress lol its just a freaking cat just love it
Why have called you Tom cat Princess? He properly not sure if he is male or female. I had a female cat called Lucy and a male cat called Tigger and they often used to fight all we could was to keep apart.
As long as he answers to it, he is ok with it. I dont' think he cares what his name is as long as he has one. He must be really cute! I think maybe he doesn't like your other cat, because she is jealous of his name.
i thing ur cat is gay.
my dogs name is princess!
I have news for you. Your cat cannot understand English.
It has no concept of what homosexuality is either. It's a dumb beast.
well, did you name him that when you thought he was a girl? I did that. I had a cat that I thought was a girl and named it Nefertiti (after the Egyptian queen) but later found out it was a boy!! Cats really don't know if they have a boy's name or a girl's name anyway, so I hope you and princess are happy together.
thats a cute name for a kitty
i love it ..naw hes not confused as long as the fat lil butterball is happy.lol ..just love it he hates the female cat ..sounds like you got a garfield on your hands.
Nah..I don't think he minds. As long as you give him all the love he needs he should be happy!
I would so name a cat pricess boy or girl! I say it dosen't matter I think all cats are cute so they deserve cute name trust me a boy cat named princess i COOL. Well gotta go.I love the name!
What is in a name? I have cat named Rover and a dog named Miss Kitty!
It's a great name. Sounds like a drag-queen cat, and most drag queens hate real females! Very appropriate. he is a gay, fat cat.. that's funny.
Maybe your female cat knows more about princess than you do. She probably won't put up with his powder-puff ways. Take him to the vet, they will put him on a diet.
And start calling him Prince!
dude i would so name a guy cat princes d probily call him um.,, oreincess foo foo or somthing thats poimp but not likeing girl cats whos caress lol its just a freaking cat just love it
Why have called you Tom cat Princess? He properly not sure if he is male or female. I had a female cat called Lucy and a male cat called Tigger and they often used to fight all we could was to keep apart.
Male cat has sensitive bumps on underside of chin.. what are they?
My male cat may have one of more small, barely noticable, sensitive bumps under his chin. I think the bump/bumps.. not sure if one or more.. they seem to just have recently started appearing. And there was a little dried blood on one. I think this might have been caused from scratching in that area or from my other cat scratching him.. But it is very difficult for me to feel because he is so skittish of being held or looked at(he's always like this). I have heard of cats having acne.. is this what it is? He is 7 years old.
is your cats food and water bowl very high? large bowls can cause this because it irritates the skin underneath the chin and will cause painful irritation bumps.get some shallower bowls and get a vet to give you some cream and they will clear up
go to vet may be cancer..
It is probably acne. Our cat had the same problem. Take him to the vet.
Probably acne, though cancer is possible.
Feline acne takes the form of dark bumps rather than the pimples that are typical of human acne. The biggest danger of feline acne is that when the bumps get scratched or rubbed off, the bit of exposed inner layer of skin could become infected before it heals. Your vet can give you some antibiotic cream that will help prevent this.
Cats often get acne on their chins due to eating from bowls that retain food residue. Plastic bowls are notorious for this and ceramic bowls can be almost as bad. Go to a pet store and invest a few bucks in some nice stainless steel food and water bowls for kitty.
sounds like a vet appt is needed. It could also be fleas causing this problem.
It sounds like acne. My cats had it for a while, and all the antibiotic creams didnt do a thing but piss off the cats. Change from the plastic bowl to stainless steel. I did, and the acne cleared up within a few weeks. Make sure to wash his bowls frequenly also.
is your cats food and water bowl very high? large bowls can cause this because it irritates the skin underneath the chin and will cause painful irritation bumps.get some shallower bowls and get a vet to give you some cream and they will clear up
go to vet may be cancer..
It is probably acne. Our cat had the same problem. Take him to the vet.
Probably acne, though cancer is possible.
Feline acne takes the form of dark bumps rather than the pimples that are typical of human acne. The biggest danger of feline acne is that when the bumps get scratched or rubbed off, the bit of exposed inner layer of skin could become infected before it heals. Your vet can give you some antibiotic cream that will help prevent this.
Cats often get acne on their chins due to eating from bowls that retain food residue. Plastic bowls are notorious for this and ceramic bowls can be almost as bad. Go to a pet store and invest a few bucks in some nice stainless steel food and water bowls for kitty.
sounds like a vet appt is needed. It could also be fleas causing this problem.
It sounds like acne. My cats had it for a while, and all the antibiotic creams didnt do a thing but piss off the cats. Change from the plastic bowl to stainless steel. I did, and the acne cleared up within a few weeks. Make sure to wash his bowls frequenly also.
Male Calico Kitten?
Our cat had a litter of kittens on July 4th. It was strange in all way as there is a set of twins both white with a tan stripe down their head and the calico. All three kittens were males. We decided to keep all of them ( well the kids did after they saw them) but a friend of mine keeps telling us that the male calico is worth a lot of money. No matter what we aren't getting rid of him but is this true, and is it often a cat can have all males, a set of twins and a male calico all in the same litter.
Hi Martha.although male calicos are rare and most are sterile they have no financial value other than like other typical domestic cats. rather the value is of one sentimentally.
It isn't uncommon to see litters all with the same sex and have either twins, triplets, etc., but with all male calicos that may be considered rare, still the value is in the eye of the beholder.
Please keep in mind although the male calicos are likely sterile they still will have the hormonal urges to spray so they would need to be neutered to prevent the spraying.
Here's an article about male calicos and why they have no financial worth:
Every so often I am asked if a tortoiseshell or calico tomcat is valuable. You will find advertisements on the web, or in newspapers, placed by people hoping to sell a tortoiseshell tomcat for a large sum of money. One website even said that if you found a tortoiseshell tomcat, you could sell it for a fortune and retire!
Despite their rarity, tortoiseshell tomcats are not valuable in the financial sense. They have scientific value. Those that are fertile cannot pass on the tortoiseshell colour - you cannot breed more tortoiseshell males from them. As pets they are just like any other cat. As pedigree cats, there may be no colour class for them to enter so however fine they look, so they may be unable to win prizes (some breeds/shows have an "Any Other Colour" class). The abnormalities which have created a tortoiseshell male may also make him more susceptible to auto-immune disease or testicular tumours.
In short, if you have a tortoiseshell male cat, he is not going to make you rich! Even the minority of fertile tortie tomcats are not valuable in money terms because they don't breed true. So next time you see someone advertising a "rare tortie male" on Ebay, usenet or a bulletin board, you can wonder who is more gullible - the person expecting to make a fortune or the person who pays over-the-odds because they think the cat is going to make them a fortune!
There's no such thing as a male calico. It's a sex-linked color gene.
It's either a female, or not a calico - check again
very true .. can i have him .if he looks like this
Yes male calicos are very rare.
Male Calicos are extremely rare. As for how often a cat will have all male kittens, not sure. A quick call to your vet may prove enlightening as to your Calico questions!
No such thing as a male calico. Get a second opinion on the sex of your cat(s). Or as searchpup suggests get another opinion of it being calico.
Calico is defined as:
having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly; "a jester dressed in motley"; "the painted desert"; "a particolored dress"; "a piebald horse"; "pied daisies"
No such thing as a male Calico
male calico cats are very rare so is a litter of all boys and haveing twins is rare
a male calico (while rare) isnt worth any more money unless he is also registered..
often male calicos are sterile - but irregardless he should be neutered, as should all males who are not purebred registered cats.
having all males in a litter isnt uncommon - perhaps she was exposed to something which killed off the female fetuses
do all yoru cats a favor - spay the mom and neuter the kittens
When I was in 7th grade, my science teacher was telling the class about having a male calico kitten, and he was getting ready to leave, to see him..and well, just right before he went to leave the poor thing got hit on the road, so..according to him they're worth some money, I don't know how much though.
I would have a 2nd opinion done on the kittens maybe when they get a little older. As for a male kitten it is near impossible, that is a genetic female coloring, if you truly do have a male and not three female kittens your male is rare, but the chances of him being able to breed or out of the question he would be sterile and there for rare but worthless. If he was breed able then he'd be rare and worth a ton. I wouldn't get to excited and get a 2nd opinion, you probably have three girls. sorry.
There are male calicos. They are very rare and usually they will be infertile. They same way with yellow cats. They are almost always males. If there are female yellow cats they are usually infertile. Congrats! Kittens are a lot of fun.
If your calico is male then there is a good chance that he will grow to be sexually deformed (has to do with the whole X and Y thing). It is extremely rare for a calico to be male, but it does occasionally happen. When it does happen, its because the cat is basically a hermaphrodite.
I don't know if they are worth alot of money, but I did hear that all calico cats are female, that there isn't any male calico. Call the Vets, ask them.
male calico cats are a genetic disorder and are very rare about 1 in 10,000 . are mom and pop both calico?
Calico MALE? They are very very rare indeed. As such they are worth money. But I'd rather keep it and be the proud owner and not worry about what it is worth. But keep it indoors. (only for safety)
yep calico kittens are very rare. and yes very possible for her to have all males.
Male calicos are rare. It is a genetic abberration. For a cat, human, or other mamal to be female requires two X chromosomes, XX. For them to be male you must have XY. Occasionally an animal is born with three sex chromosomes, an XXY. In humans it results in something called Klingfelter's syndrome. This is what has happened to the male calico (tri-colored) cat. They are usually sterile.
The tri-color is a recessive gene so it takes two XX to produce that pattern. A male can be a "carrier" of this gene on his one X chromosome. If he mates successfully with a female who carries the gene even if she is not calico, you can have a calico cat.
Male Calico's are very rare. 99% of calicos are females. You seem to have the token mama cat. twins and a male calico? Wow pretty cool!
In my neighborhood having all male kittens isn't rare. I had stray kittens like 6 yrs ago and they were all male Also another was all male too.
A calico cat are female but it's very rare that you can find one of them are male it's the same for orange cat it's rare that you can have a female orange cat. So if you can have a cat like your calico male and it's rare that kind of cat, you can sold him expensive because some of people want make a new difference cat like by example calico with a Siamese cat. P.S sorry for my bad english but to night i try to make it good hope you understand my answer.
It can happen, but it's very rare - awsome!! Less rare is that most orange cats are male.but i've meet several female oranges so it happens with much more regularity than a male calico.
Although very rare, it is possible to have a male calico or tortoiseshell cat. They are normally sterile, but it is possible. I believe the link I provided says that although it is possible to have a male calico or tortoiseshell cat, there are only about 1 out of 3000 that are born are in fact males. With that kind of a percentage, I would say that they could be very expensive, but why give up the little guy, especially if your kids love and want to keep all of them. Hope this helps :-)
Hi Martha.although male calicos are rare and most are sterile they have no financial value other than like other typical domestic cats. rather the value is of one sentimentally.
It isn't uncommon to see litters all with the same sex and have either twins, triplets, etc., but with all male calicos that may be considered rare, still the value is in the eye of the beholder.
Please keep in mind although the male calicos are likely sterile they still will have the hormonal urges to spray so they would need to be neutered to prevent the spraying.
Here's an article about male calicos and why they have no financial worth:
Every so often I am asked if a tortoiseshell or calico tomcat is valuable. You will find advertisements on the web, or in newspapers, placed by people hoping to sell a tortoiseshell tomcat for a large sum of money. One website even said that if you found a tortoiseshell tomcat, you could sell it for a fortune and retire!
Despite their rarity, tortoiseshell tomcats are not valuable in the financial sense. They have scientific value. Those that are fertile cannot pass on the tortoiseshell colour - you cannot breed more tortoiseshell males from them. As pets they are just like any other cat. As pedigree cats, there may be no colour class for them to enter so however fine they look, so they may be unable to win prizes (some breeds/shows have an "Any Other Colour" class). The abnormalities which have created a tortoiseshell male may also make him more susceptible to auto-immune disease or testicular tumours.
In short, if you have a tortoiseshell male cat, he is not going to make you rich! Even the minority of fertile tortie tomcats are not valuable in money terms because they don't breed true. So next time you see someone advertising a "rare tortie male" on Ebay, usenet or a bulletin board, you can wonder who is more gullible - the person expecting to make a fortune or the person who pays over-the-odds because they think the cat is going to make them a fortune!
There's no such thing as a male calico. It's a sex-linked color gene.
It's either a female, or not a calico - check again
very true .. can i have him .if he looks like this
Yes male calicos are very rare.
Male Calicos are extremely rare. As for how often a cat will have all male kittens, not sure. A quick call to your vet may prove enlightening as to your Calico questions!
No such thing as a male calico. Get a second opinion on the sex of your cat(s). Or as searchpup suggests get another opinion of it being calico.
Calico is defined as:
having sections or patches colored differently and usually brightly; "a jester dressed in motley"; "the painted desert"; "a particolored dress"; "a piebald horse"; "pied daisies"
No such thing as a male Calico
male calico cats are very rare so is a litter of all boys and haveing twins is rare
a male calico (while rare) isnt worth any more money unless he is also registered..
often male calicos are sterile - but irregardless he should be neutered, as should all males who are not purebred registered cats.
having all males in a litter isnt uncommon - perhaps she was exposed to something which killed off the female fetuses
do all yoru cats a favor - spay the mom and neuter the kittens
When I was in 7th grade, my science teacher was telling the class about having a male calico kitten, and he was getting ready to leave, to see him..and well, just right before he went to leave the poor thing got hit on the road, so..according to him they're worth some money, I don't know how much though.
I would have a 2nd opinion done on the kittens maybe when they get a little older. As for a male kitten it is near impossible, that is a genetic female coloring, if you truly do have a male and not three female kittens your male is rare, but the chances of him being able to breed or out of the question he would be sterile and there for rare but worthless. If he was breed able then he'd be rare and worth a ton. I wouldn't get to excited and get a 2nd opinion, you probably have three girls. sorry.
There are male calicos. They are very rare and usually they will be infertile. They same way with yellow cats. They are almost always males. If there are female yellow cats they are usually infertile. Congrats! Kittens are a lot of fun.
If your calico is male then there is a good chance that he will grow to be sexually deformed (has to do with the whole X and Y thing). It is extremely rare for a calico to be male, but it does occasionally happen. When it does happen, its because the cat is basically a hermaphrodite.
I don't know if they are worth alot of money, but I did hear that all calico cats are female, that there isn't any male calico. Call the Vets, ask them.
male calico cats are a genetic disorder and are very rare about 1 in 10,000 . are mom and pop both calico?
Calico MALE? They are very very rare indeed. As such they are worth money. But I'd rather keep it and be the proud owner and not worry about what it is worth. But keep it indoors. (only for safety)
yep calico kittens are very rare. and yes very possible for her to have all males.
Male calicos are rare. It is a genetic abberration. For a cat, human, or other mamal to be female requires two X chromosomes, XX. For them to be male you must have XY. Occasionally an animal is born with three sex chromosomes, an XXY. In humans it results in something called Klingfelter's syndrome. This is what has happened to the male calico (tri-colored) cat. They are usually sterile.
The tri-color is a recessive gene so it takes two XX to produce that pattern. A male can be a "carrier" of this gene on his one X chromosome. If he mates successfully with a female who carries the gene even if she is not calico, you can have a calico cat.
Male Calico's are very rare. 99% of calicos are females. You seem to have the token mama cat. twins and a male calico? Wow pretty cool!
In my neighborhood having all male kittens isn't rare. I had stray kittens like 6 yrs ago and they were all male Also another was all male too.
A calico cat are female but it's very rare that you can find one of them are male it's the same for orange cat it's rare that you can have a female orange cat. So if you can have a cat like your calico male and it's rare that kind of cat, you can sold him expensive because some of people want make a new difference cat like by example calico with a Siamese cat. P.S sorry for my bad english but to night i try to make it good hope you understand my answer.
It can happen, but it's very rare - awsome!! Less rare is that most orange cats are male.but i've meet several female oranges so it happens with much more regularity than a male calico.
Although very rare, it is possible to have a male calico or tortoiseshell cat. They are normally sterile, but it is possible. I believe the link I provided says that although it is possible to have a male calico or tortoiseshell cat, there are only about 1 out of 3000 that are born are in fact males. With that kind of a percentage, I would say that they could be very expensive, but why give up the little guy, especially if your kids love and want to keep all of them. Hope this helps :-)
male and female cats?
i have a fixed male cat and my brother in law wants to give me a female cat that he found outside his apartment and kept for about a month before he realized he was allergic. she is not fix but has been to the vet and is completely heathly and has just started going into heat. Now i know there will be no kittens but how will she react to my male cat and how will he react with her.. will he ignore her? Will she follow him around trying to have some fun?
If the two cats get along, then get her spayed (for all the reasons aforementioned.). If she's leaking any fluids during this time, something is wrong with her (My kitty's first time in heat was at 3 months %26 she had a period; which turned out to be 100s of cysts!)
Cats like to have sex, so they may get randy. I have two male littermates we call our homosexual cats because they go through the motions with each other every night.
My daughter moved home with her three cats which now equals too many cats under one roof with my three. There's a total of 5 boys %26 1 girl cat and she is not accosted by any of them. The males are having pissing contests with each other - argh! Dot is moving back out soon! (taking her sweet kitties- love them, tired of cat pee)
She will try to fun have with him , when she is in the heat. A cat in the heat is really annoying , she is trying to have fun with everybody and is up all night. You wont sleep, believe me.
( Could be the real reason why your brother in law is allergic ;-) )
They may breed. Since your male cat is neutered, she won't get pregnant. All the same, they may still mate as normal.
Get her spayed ASAP.a female cat in heat is very annoying.they yowl, smell, and it's just very unpleasant to be around them when they're in season.
It is possible that they might actually have sex, without kittens. For the first month you should monitor them, because the male might be hostile to her. Watch them and you'll see, every cat reacts in a different way.
Plus, regarding Marilyn, dogs have periods, cats don't, so this has nothing to do with this case.
I think she'll be so persistent with the male cat that they could have sex. For the sake of the female cat and you, please think about getting her spayed. Being in heat is not fun for her or anyone around to hear her constant meowing for outside or a male cat.
she may cause him to start spraying. Get her fixed. or she will destroy your house trying to get out to have some fun.
Get her spayed and there will be no issues.
My female cat pee'd all over everywhere before she was spayed. My whole house got sort of a dose of her. She is spayed now and no issues.
If the two cats get along, then get her spayed (for all the reasons aforementioned.). If she's leaking any fluids during this time, something is wrong with her (My kitty's first time in heat was at 3 months %26 she had a period; which turned out to be 100s of cysts!)
Cats like to have sex, so they may get randy. I have two male littermates we call our homosexual cats because they go through the motions with each other every night.
My daughter moved home with her three cats which now equals too many cats under one roof with my three. There's a total of 5 boys %26 1 girl cat and she is not accosted by any of them. The males are having pissing contests with each other - argh! Dot is moving back out soon! (taking her sweet kitties- love them, tired of cat pee)
She will try to fun have with him , when she is in the heat. A cat in the heat is really annoying , she is trying to have fun with everybody and is up all night. You wont sleep, believe me.
( Could be the real reason why your brother in law is allergic ;-) )
They may breed. Since your male cat is neutered, she won't get pregnant. All the same, they may still mate as normal.
Get her spayed ASAP.a female cat in heat is very annoying.they yowl, smell, and it's just very unpleasant to be around them when they're in season.
It is possible that they might actually have sex, without kittens. For the first month you should monitor them, because the male might be hostile to her. Watch them and you'll see, every cat reacts in a different way.
Plus, regarding Marilyn, dogs have periods, cats don't, so this has nothing to do with this case.
I think she'll be so persistent with the male cat that they could have sex. For the sake of the female cat and you, please think about getting her spayed. Being in heat is not fun for her or anyone around to hear her constant meowing for outside or a male cat.
she may cause him to start spraying. Get her fixed. or she will destroy your house trying to get out to have some fun.
Get her spayed and there will be no issues.
My female cat pee'd all over everywhere before she was spayed. My whole house got sort of a dose of her. She is spayed now and no issues.
Maintaining a three legged cat's weight?
My boyfriend and I brought home a 3 legged 6 month old from the local aspca. Her back left leg is amputated. She gets along pretty well, but has trouble jumping up on the bed and uses her claws. Is it possible for her claws to get ripped out? I read on here that it was a good idea to make some sort of stepping stone, which I am going to think about.
Down to the question. The vet told us that she needed to maintain and never gain any weight. She was very little when we got her, so she has grown a bit. Maybe 3-4 pounds. She seems hungry alot, but we decided that an open dish policy wouldn't work. What do you suggest on a feeding regime? Or maybe a brand that will keep her weight down as she gets older. Thanks!
Congratulations to you!
We also have a three-legged cat. I brought him home when he was 4 weeks old (I worked at the animal hospital) and now he's 12 years old. He's always been an "inside" cat and he's never had any problems.
You should keep any cat indoors but especially yours. Even though she will get around just fine she will walk different. If she's outside and a dog or other animal sees her, they will go after her.
Our cat gets up on the sofa with no trouble and we keep a hope chest next to the bed so he is able to get up on our bed. I don't think you need to worry about her claws getting "ripped out".
As far as the weight is concerned, feed her if she is hungry, she's just a kitten. When she's older, you and your vet will be able to decide what a good weight is for her. It depends on the type of cat you have and how small or large she will be.
Our cat is a medium sized cat and when he was around 8 years old he started to put on a little weight. At that point we decided to keep him at around 10 lbs. (our vet thought that was a good weight) so there wouldn't be too much stress on his back leg.
Congratulations on adopting your kitten and all the best of luck to you both! I'd say your cat is very lucky to have found a home with people as wonderful as you are. Relax and enjoy her, she will do great with someone as considerate and caring as you.
Don't over feed the cat and a stepping stool or short table at the foot of the bed should work fine. Yes, claws can be broken or torn as far as I know but they're made to withstand a lot of foce. My friend has a cat in a similar situation.
You could buy a little step stool at a store like Wal Mart or K-Mart for her. Put it by the bed so she can step on it and then onto the bed.
No, hauling her self up with her claws won't pull them out. They are very well attached to the cat.
Having set times and amounts that you give her sounds like a very good idea to me. You could ask your vet or the ASPCA where you got her how much they recommend at a feeding and how many feedings a day she should have.
She sounds like a very sweet kitty and I hope you have many years together.
maybe besides food you can maybe look into pet wheelchairs. Iv seen it on tv where the animals legs just didnt work. anyways its basically a harness and two wheels in the back . Im sure it might take some time getting used to but maybe you can see how she takes to it it. It could be something she uses all day or maybe just a few hours so she can run around for a little while. Just a thought
if your vet was a responsable vet the would have told you.
I know senior cat foods have less fat for a less active older cat. kitten foods are very high in fat to help the kitten grow. maybe go to the pet store (not pet section in a department store) and get some one to help you select a diet. Nutro, Royal Canin, and Tecni-Cal are all high quality. Please stay away from grocery store foods such as Iams and Meow mix. I have just heard of waaaay too many skin and joint problems affecting cats and dogs and then learning that the majority eat Iams and such.
best of luck to you and your kitty!!
had a 3legger myself. made a little 2 step stool, glued sandpaper to the steps, worked out great. never had a problem with her weight. she preferred dry food. kept the bowl full 24/7. she died at 10yrs. from kidney failure.named her thumper because of the sound she made running up and down the stairs.
Down to the question. The vet told us that she needed to maintain and never gain any weight. She was very little when we got her, so she has grown a bit. Maybe 3-4 pounds. She seems hungry alot, but we decided that an open dish policy wouldn't work. What do you suggest on a feeding regime? Or maybe a brand that will keep her weight down as she gets older. Thanks!
Congratulations to you!
We also have a three-legged cat. I brought him home when he was 4 weeks old (I worked at the animal hospital) and now he's 12 years old. He's always been an "inside" cat and he's never had any problems.
You should keep any cat indoors but especially yours. Even though she will get around just fine she will walk different. If she's outside and a dog or other animal sees her, they will go after her.
Our cat gets up on the sofa with no trouble and we keep a hope chest next to the bed so he is able to get up on our bed. I don't think you need to worry about her claws getting "ripped out".
As far as the weight is concerned, feed her if she is hungry, she's just a kitten. When she's older, you and your vet will be able to decide what a good weight is for her. It depends on the type of cat you have and how small or large she will be.
Our cat is a medium sized cat and when he was around 8 years old he started to put on a little weight. At that point we decided to keep him at around 10 lbs. (our vet thought that was a good weight) so there wouldn't be too much stress on his back leg.
Congratulations on adopting your kitten and all the best of luck to you both! I'd say your cat is very lucky to have found a home with people as wonderful as you are. Relax and enjoy her, she will do great with someone as considerate and caring as you.
Don't over feed the cat and a stepping stool or short table at the foot of the bed should work fine. Yes, claws can be broken or torn as far as I know but they're made to withstand a lot of foce. My friend has a cat in a similar situation.
You could buy a little step stool at a store like Wal Mart or K-Mart for her. Put it by the bed so she can step on it and then onto the bed.
No, hauling her self up with her claws won't pull them out. They are very well attached to the cat.
Having set times and amounts that you give her sounds like a very good idea to me. You could ask your vet or the ASPCA where you got her how much they recommend at a feeding and how many feedings a day she should have.
She sounds like a very sweet kitty and I hope you have many years together.
maybe besides food you can maybe look into pet wheelchairs. Iv seen it on tv where the animals legs just didnt work. anyways its basically a harness and two wheels in the back . Im sure it might take some time getting used to but maybe you can see how she takes to it it. It could be something she uses all day or maybe just a few hours so she can run around for a little while. Just a thought
if your vet was a responsable vet the would have told you.
I know senior cat foods have less fat for a less active older cat. kitten foods are very high in fat to help the kitten grow. maybe go to the pet store (not pet section in a department store) and get some one to help you select a diet. Nutro, Royal Canin, and Tecni-Cal are all high quality. Please stay away from grocery store foods such as Iams and Meow mix. I have just heard of waaaay too many skin and joint problems affecting cats and dogs and then learning that the majority eat Iams and such.
best of luck to you and your kitty!!
had a 3legger myself. made a little 2 step stool, glued sandpaper to the steps, worked out great. never had a problem with her weight. she preferred dry food. kept the bowl full 24/7. she died at 10yrs. from kidney failure.named her thumper because of the sound she made running up and down the stairs.
Lumps on Cat?
I just discovered a lump on my cat's back, right next to the spine, it's about as as big around as a golf ball, not as thick though. It's pretty hard. My husband said it's probably just a calcium deposit, his family dog used to get them all the time. What should I do? My cat is only 4 years old!
It could be a few things, anything from an abscess to a tumor, if your kitty goes outside, it may just be an abscess from another cat biting him, cats have a lot of bacteria in their mouths, when they bite one another with those needle sharp teeth, they sorta inoculate that into the skin, those tiny punctures seal off and the body walls that infection off, creating an abscess but.. it could also be a growth of some type, vaccine reaction..tumor.. I would just take the kitty to the vet, for sure your best bet.. good luck
Could be a tumor, but any lump could be serious, and tumors are too. TO THE VET! =P
Take him to the vet!
Extra nipple?
It is probably an infection - could have been bitten by something or scratched by something. Take it to the vet - the infection could be pretty deep, and they will need to open up the lump and clean all infection out.
Keep checking after they do this - if they miss any of the infection, it could come back.
Not going to the vet could kill the cat or paralyze it.
Hi Holly.this may either be an abscess which needs to be medically opened, drained and treated with medication or a tumour. Consider ringing your vet to arrange for an evaluation to be treated soon.
I agree - Time to take kitty to the vet!
You can just call a vet and ask them if they could tell you what it might be and if it is cause for concern.
vet, asap!
TAKE HIM TO THE VET! its probaly cancer!
it could be a tick but i would take him to the vet just to be on the safe side
yeah.. but I don't think cats get calcium deposits like dogs do, a vet visit is necessary
You should really take your cat to the vet. It might not be serious but you should get your cat checked just to make sure because my cat had a lump also and it turned out to be cancer! She got operated and lived a year more. After that the cancer came back and she was too old and she started suffering so I had to let her go!!
It could be a few things, anything from an abscess to a tumor, if your kitty goes outside, it may just be an abscess from another cat biting him, cats have a lot of bacteria in their mouths, when they bite one another with those needle sharp teeth, they sorta inoculate that into the skin, those tiny punctures seal off and the body walls that infection off, creating an abscess but.. it could also be a growth of some type, vaccine reaction..tumor.. I would just take the kitty to the vet, for sure your best bet.. good luck
Could be a tumor, but any lump could be serious, and tumors are too. TO THE VET! =P
Take him to the vet!
Extra nipple?
It is probably an infection - could have been bitten by something or scratched by something. Take it to the vet - the infection could be pretty deep, and they will need to open up the lump and clean all infection out.
Keep checking after they do this - if they miss any of the infection, it could come back.
Not going to the vet could kill the cat or paralyze it.
Hi Holly.this may either be an abscess which needs to be medically opened, drained and treated with medication or a tumour. Consider ringing your vet to arrange for an evaluation to be treated soon.
I agree - Time to take kitty to the vet!
You can just call a vet and ask them if they could tell you what it might be and if it is cause for concern.
vet, asap!
TAKE HIM TO THE VET! its probaly cancer!
it could be a tick but i would take him to the vet just to be on the safe side
yeah.. but I don't think cats get calcium deposits like dogs do, a vet visit is necessary
You should really take your cat to the vet. It might not be serious but you should get your cat checked just to make sure because my cat had a lump also and it turned out to be cancer! She got operated and lived a year more. After that the cancer came back and she was too old and she started suffering so I had to let her go!!
Low Cost Vet Services Augusta Maine?
There really aren't any "low cost" vet services in the Central Maine area. If you are looking for help with spay/neuter and live in the area serviced by the Animal Shelter in Augusta, they have vouchers to help,. The area served by the Waterville Humane Society can also get vouchers from there to help. There is also the State's spay me program which helps with the cost of spay/neuter and rabies vacciantions. If it's vaccines you are looking for then keep your eyes and ears open for clinics sponsored by the humane societies and Greyhound Placement Services. If you are an established client in good standing with a vet they often will do a payment plan with you.
Just a note..it is mandatory in the state of Maine for ALL cats %26 dogs to have their rabies vacciantions (even if they are indoor only) kept current. Depending on the vaccine used by the vet the cat rabies may be a 1 year or a 3 year. Dogs are 3 year (except for the first one which is only good for a year.)
Isnt there a petco or a petsmart?? I lived in Brunswick a few years ago, and would drive to Augusta to look at reptiles and other pet stores around the state.
if you have petsmart there, see if there's a banfield pet hospital inside. if so, look into their wellness plans. they will save you a fortune (saved me over $5000 so far).
Lovely cats.,..?
In what way do ur cats show you that they love you?
No matter who is holding her, she jumps and runs to me when I come in the door. She follows me to the door when I'm leaving and asks to come along. Tends to be much more loving and affectionate when it's her and I in the car. I joke that she loves me for my wheels!!
Myna started life with me on the road as my travel buddy when I left for work as a contract nurse. She even rides with me on my motorcycle (no, I'm not joking. I have a biker kitty!). She comes up to sit on my lap at times to be petted.
Purrs constantly. Is such an affection freak in the morning. I try to go downstairs to feed her and she is at my feet rubbing on the stairs, so of course I have to pet her and spend time with her. She is the cutest.
They dont kill me in my sleep.
it pisses on the floor! ha!ha!
They bring us dead mice and drop them on the carpet.
Sometimes they bring us live ones, too. One crawled under my wife's china cabinet and died. We had to empty the entire cabinet to get it out.
i dont' know, i don't have cat. i have only dog.
I am constant "cat furniture"! He is always climbing on me, or laying on me. He sleeps with me and takes up the whole bed! I am trying to train him to sleep in his own cat bed, as long as the cat bed is at the foot of my bed he will sleep in it, otherwise, he keeps sleeping on me. If that's not love..
she follows u everywhere u go. even into the bathroom ha ha ha
No matter who is holding her, she jumps and runs to me when I come in the door. She follows me to the door when I'm leaving and asks to come along. Tends to be much more loving and affectionate when it's her and I in the car. I joke that she loves me for my wheels!!
Myna started life with me on the road as my travel buddy when I left for work as a contract nurse. She even rides with me on my motorcycle (no, I'm not joking. I have a biker kitty!). She comes up to sit on my lap at times to be petted.
Purrs constantly. Is such an affection freak in the morning. I try to go downstairs to feed her and she is at my feet rubbing on the stairs, so of course I have to pet her and spend time with her. She is the cutest.
They dont kill me in my sleep.
it pisses on the floor! ha!ha!
They bring us dead mice and drop them on the carpet.
Sometimes they bring us live ones, too. One crawled under my wife's china cabinet and died. We had to empty the entire cabinet to get it out.
i dont' know, i don't have cat. i have only dog.
I am constant "cat furniture"! He is always climbing on me, or laying on me. He sleeps with me and takes up the whole bed! I am trying to train him to sleep in his own cat bed, as long as the cat bed is at the foot of my bed he will sleep in it, otherwise, he keeps sleeping on me. If that's not love..
she follows u everywhere u go. even into the bathroom ha ha ha
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