Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just got a new cat.Question.?

we just got a new cat and she was from a sod place,dosen`t seem like she has a lot of fleas and seems to look pretty healthy. We are not 100% sure if it is a female.we are going to wait and see if my other cat and the new cat gets along before taking her to the vet to get shots and to get spayed (or neutered) do you thinmk we should wait or take her to the vet as soon as posibble? Also if we are wrong and the new cat is a boy and and my other cat is a boy (he is neutered) do you think they will fight. they usually say two males will fight (but i thought they was only if they weren`t neutered. what do you ppl think?
take it to the vet now,in case it has any contagious disease so you other cat cant catch anything .when ther find out if its male or female and set up appt. to get it fixed a.s.a.p.i have 5 neutered males and they get along just fine
odd..look at its behind ! the place u bought him doesnt tell u what he is?? it u have 2 boys it doent necessaryily fight. give them more time. try and place them in different rooms.
Take it to the vet regardless, just to get it checked out. Then you'll know if its a boy or girl. At that point, I would go ahead and get it fixed. Cats fight between each other regardless of their sex, I have two females and they always fight, though one is more dominant. As long as they're not hurting each other, I wouldn't worry about how well they get along. Cats, unlike dogs, are NOT pack animals, so they will always defend their individual territory. Placing them in seperate rooms is a good idea.
Only one way to check.peek under the tail. Male cats don't fight all the time, especially if they're neutered. The sooner, the better. Take little guy (or girl) to the vet as soon as possible to get fixed and a clean bill of health. It may take a while for the other cat to accept the new one, just be patient.
,you can look and see for yourself what sex the cat is,animals are funny like people sometimes they get along well other times they fight,they will get used to one another give them time they are like children wanting attention take it to the vet if you plan on keeping it
I've never had any problem with my boy cats fighting. In fact, they play together frequently. Now the girl cat, she hates both of the boys and will have nothing to do with either of them. All of them are fixed.
Always take new pets to the vet ASAP. Preferably even before bringing them home. That way your chanced of bringing diseases to your current pets is decreased. Whether or not they get along is a tough question. All cats are different in how long they take to get used to a new comer, some like to have new friends and some don't. Remember it can take months for cats to sort out their living arrangements.
First you need to take her to the vet very, very, soon and ask him/her what you should do about it. Then If the cat you just got wont give off any diseases to your other cat.
Hi !
I've been through the new cat situation several times now, and I would recommend getting a full check-up as soon as possible. The new guy could have fleas, tics or other problems that don't show now. It is best to deal with them, ' the sooner, the better'. Each meow has a different personality so its hard to say whether they will get along. I currently have one male (neutered) and one female (spayed). Tom-cat loves Baby-cat, but she hates him! I would never have guessed they would be that way.
Good luck with the kitty cats.
take her to the vets ASAP! YOu never know what she/he could have picked up at the place you got her/him from!
just got a new cat huh? well cats are great pets and great companions.well two men cats will probably fight. i have all girl cats so i really couldn't tell you!!GOOD LUCK!
I would take her/him to the vet before exposing your other cat. You dont want your other cat getting things like ear mites that cant be seen with out the proper equiptment.
As for the two getting along, my experience has been that gender plays a big role, the odds are if they are both of the same sex getting them to get along will be a bit of a challenge. Having them meet first through a door, or with the cat in a box like you would take a cat to the vet in can help. this way both cats are seperated, and therefore have a feeling of safety while being exposed to something new. if that goes well, then try opening the door, but be patient, and do not leave the pair alone together until that have had a good bit of supervised amiacable time to play.
You should get cat fixed as soon as possible if you don`t want it to fight to often if its male and it not to have kittens if its female ( i`m telling what will happen if its not fixed i`m not saying if its male or female).

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