Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just got a new cat.Question.?

we just got a new cat and she was from a sod place,dosen`t seem like she has a lot of fleas and seems to look pretty healthy. We are not 100% sure if it is a female.we are going to wait and see if my other cat and the new cat gets along before taking her to the vet to get shots and to get spayed (or neutered) do you thinmk we should wait or take her to the vet as soon as posibble? Also if we are wrong and the new cat is a boy and and my other cat is a boy (he is neutered) do you think they will fight. they usually say two males will fight (but i thought they was only if they weren`t neutered. what do you ppl think?
take it to the vet now,in case it has any contagious disease so you other cat cant catch anything .when ther find out if its male or female and set up appt. to get it fixed a.s.a.p.i have 5 neutered males and they get along just fine
odd..look at its behind ! the place u bought him doesnt tell u what he is?? it u have 2 boys it doent necessaryily fight. give them more time. try and place them in different rooms.
Take it to the vet regardless, just to get it checked out. Then you'll know if its a boy or girl. At that point, I would go ahead and get it fixed. Cats fight between each other regardless of their sex, I have two females and they always fight, though one is more dominant. As long as they're not hurting each other, I wouldn't worry about how well they get along. Cats, unlike dogs, are NOT pack animals, so they will always defend their individual territory. Placing them in seperate rooms is a good idea.
Only one way to check.peek under the tail. Male cats don't fight all the time, especially if they're neutered. The sooner, the better. Take little guy (or girl) to the vet as soon as possible to get fixed and a clean bill of health. It may take a while for the other cat to accept the new one, just be patient.
,you can look and see for yourself what sex the cat is,animals are funny like people sometimes they get along well other times they fight,they will get used to one another give them time they are like children wanting attention take it to the vet if you plan on keeping it
I've never had any problem with my boy cats fighting. In fact, they play together frequently. Now the girl cat, she hates both of the boys and will have nothing to do with either of them. All of them are fixed.
Always take new pets to the vet ASAP. Preferably even before bringing them home. That way your chanced of bringing diseases to your current pets is decreased. Whether or not they get along is a tough question. All cats are different in how long they take to get used to a new comer, some like to have new friends and some don't. Remember it can take months for cats to sort out their living arrangements.
First you need to take her to the vet very, very, soon and ask him/her what you should do about it. Then If the cat you just got wont give off any diseases to your other cat.
Hi !
I've been through the new cat situation several times now, and I would recommend getting a full check-up as soon as possible. The new guy could have fleas, tics or other problems that don't show now. It is best to deal with them, ' the sooner, the better'. Each meow has a different personality so its hard to say whether they will get along. I currently have one male (neutered) and one female (spayed). Tom-cat loves Baby-cat, but she hates him! I would never have guessed they would be that way.
Good luck with the kitty cats.
take her to the vets ASAP! YOu never know what she/he could have picked up at the place you got her/him from!
just got a new cat huh? well cats are great pets and great companions.well two men cats will probably fight. i have all girl cats so i really couldn't tell you!!GOOD LUCK!
I would take her/him to the vet before exposing your other cat. You dont want your other cat getting things like ear mites that cant be seen with out the proper equiptment.
As for the two getting along, my experience has been that gender plays a big role, the odds are if they are both of the same sex getting them to get along will be a bit of a challenge. Having them meet first through a door, or with the cat in a box like you would take a cat to the vet in can help. this way both cats are seperated, and therefore have a feeling of safety while being exposed to something new. if that goes well, then try opening the door, but be patient, and do not leave the pair alone together until that have had a good bit of supervised amiacable time to play.
You should get cat fixed as soon as possible if you don`t want it to fight to often if its male and it not to have kittens if its female ( i`m telling what will happen if its not fixed i`m not saying if its male or female).

just got a kitten, male mainly white with black/ginger patches. any good name suggestions?

sounds like my cat,i just called mine Ginge
Double check that he's male before you name him. Calicos are almost always female
miss ginger snapp or mr ginger snap hons!!
Maybe Ginger, Patches, or Pepper.
Freddie ?
Pudding ? %26lt;%26lt; lol ! ( Not suggesting hes fat )
pringle is the me.
Fluppit (short for floor pet)
Ummm. Maybe S/him?

"He" is probably a female, since having both ginger and black means that the cat has two XX chromosomes. If it IS a male then he has three chromosomes XXY and S/him could be a good name for him/her.

You can't check the sex by looking for nipples, BTW. Look under the tail and you'll see two holes. If they are practically touching, it is a female, if they are far apart it is male. Here is a link to a visual of what I mean:


Yeah, if that cat has all 3 of those colors, and its a male, he is very rare. I agree with person above, double check the sex.
If its a male, give him an expensive name, like Bucks, Moolah, Rolex, etc.
I've all ways wanted to call a cat Dr. Turnpike. I don't know why, but I have! You could also call it flannel, Sebastian, monkey, Rocket, Cecil, Tw*t face (that's a great one!), Enzo, Charlie, Jack, Mr. Eko, John Locke, Jin (get another one called tonic), Micheal, Frogurt guy, Desmond, Cat, spoon.
Dog food
hi, its got to be either puzzle or jigsaw thanks lisa
Obviously," PATCHES"
if you would like a common name then how about..Tom?
or if you prefer something spicy then how about.Cinnamon?
nutmeg, it's unisex.
cooking fat
thats what my dad called our cat
at least i think it was cooking fat
I don't think you have a male- he/she sounds definitely female. I have had 4 tri-colored cats and they were all female. Callie is a good name maybe Cal if there is such a thing as a male calico.

Because what you are describing is a calico, and they very very rarely come in males, if you have a true male calico (and he's fertile) you've made yourself a fortune..

I'm thinking you have a girl :)

Some of the most beautiful names for calico cats I have seen have come from flower names, Iris, Cinnamon Rose, Daisy, and common names- Spice, Nutmeg ( for a nutty cat!)

Have you looked at a baby name book online?
You do have an unusual pet if he is a male calico and he will not be fertile and not worth money.
Stripes - it will either piss him off or make him very proud!
biscuit, (ginger nuts)
If you call it Patch you'll probably have every Patched animal come to you within a three mile radius every time you call it!

You could call it Calico. You might find it names itself. When my cat had kittens, all of them were male. I didn't name them (I wasn't planning on keeping them all, so it seemed pointless to give them proper names), but they found nicknames for themselves in the way they behaved. There were four tabbies and 1 black and white. The tabbies were called Houdini (because he kept escaping) Phantom (because I wasn't sure if I had really seen him when he was first born, he kept disappearing underneath the other kittens)Cheddar (because he wouldn't eat meat when we tried to wean him, but he was quick to pilfer my cheese when he thought I wasn't looking) No-name (because he didn't have a nick name) and the black and white was called Velcro (he would stick to your clothes when you picked him up). I ended up keeping Cheddar and the name has stuck. Since then I have acquired another kitten- he was abondoned on a cobbled backstreet when he was tiny, so his name is Cobble.

just got a kitten is it ok to give him the milk they seel for cats?

i am not sure of his age he is tiny he has been eating but just a little and he has not drank any water since we got him yesturday so i gave him a little of that milk and want to make sure it is okay and also hard food or soft which is better i gave him hard with a little water on it.
Should Cats Drink Milk
We see cats drinking milk in commercials, old tv shows and the like. But the fact of the matter is that most cats are lactose intolerant. That means that they can't digest the sugars in milk. Milk also has very little to no nutritional value for cats. The fact of the matter is that a cat fed only on milk will die of malnutrition. However most cats LOVE the taste of milk, so what do you do?

As a staple cats should always have fresh, cool water available to them. As long as your cat isn't lactose intolerant, milk is not bad for cats if it is given as an occasional treat (think of it as kitty junk food). The first step is to determine if your cat likes milk. If your cat does like milk then determine is he or she is lactose intolerant. If your cat is lactose intolerant then he/she will have a little diarrhea and a little stomach problems for a few days after drinking the milk. In this case you will definitely want to give your kitty a milk substitute created for cats. Such a substitute is created to have some nutritional value for cats while not upsetting their stomachs as real milk can. A good substitute is Cat's Sip, it can be found in your local pet store or grocery store. Many veterinarians suggest that if your cat does like milk and even if he/she isn't lactose intolerant that you should get him/her used to a milk substitute anyhow as it is better for the cat.

Article submitted by: 漏 (Biography %26 Additional Information)
as long as you are using kmr.kitten milk replacement you can buy it at walmart or petsmart.dont give them cow's milk that humans drink and you may want to feed it with a medicine dropper that you can also buy at walmart it works much better than the bottles that they can buy some whiskas pouches tender bites and when it gets a little bigger try some kitten chow made by purina one to soften it you can use the gravy from the whiskas pouch or some of the kmr milk
How old is he?
the kitten milk is ok to give is good for him just no cows milk,but I'm sure you already know that.
Hard food is good for him if he is weaned.if he has trouble you can soften it a little bit with the water until he can chew the crunchy stuff, but kittens need the crunchy food for their teeth.
Don't worry too much about the water if you are giving him water on his food, but do worry if he doesn't drink at all.most kitties will drink when they get thirsty.
Good luck with your new kitty =^.^=
Yes, it's perfectly okay to give the kitten milk that is specifically formulated for cats, such as KMR. Give him kitten food. You can mix the dry food with a little bit of wet food to help him along.

Don't worry if he only eats a little during the first few day of being with you. He's nervous and still getting used to his new surroundings. Just reassure him that everything is okay, he's safe and he's going to be happy with you.

If he doesn't eat or drink in two days, take him to a vet to make sure nothing is medically wrong with him. Good luck!
Well it is hard to say, seeing that you don't know his approx. age. If he is a very young cat, he should be eating soft food, but if he if eating hard food with no problem than that is a good sign. But remember that he needs to stay on kitten formulated food until he is a year old. If he is not drinking water, I would say call a vet and ask, but other than that read the instructions on the kitten milk. It should say something about the age of the kitten that should be drinking that. If you had gotten the kitten from a shelter or someone who was giving it away, the kitten should be at least 8weeks old, and should be taken off the don't want to continue giving him milk, even kitten milk, because there is a risk of him getting worms in his digestive system. But ask your vet about what your options are, and what you should do.
Yeah. if it's made for cats I'm sure it is, but there is kitten milk to. It comes in a white can and has a kitten on it and says kitten milk on it.
You are such a good mommy. But being he's so little.milk for his growing bones. Water when he's 3-4 months. Soft food right now. Until he's a little bigger.3-4 months. At that age, just leave a dish of dry next to a small dish of soft and wean him off the soft. . I still give our cats soft as a treat, once in a while. They are PIGS with that stuff. They just gobble it up! There is more fat in the mushy food for the growing baby. After a while they need the crunchy to act like a toothbrush or they will get plaque build up. When he reaches 3-4 months, stick to ONE dry food. Switching is not good for the digestive tract. We give our 4 Meow Mix Hair Ball Control, because of the massive amounts of fur they swallow while cleaning themselves. Keep up the good work and treasure your furry four-legger as he will you, unconditionally! Peace!
I raised a two week old kitten once, and I had to make a formula to keep it alive. They can't survive on normal milk, and you can make the substitute for much less than buying the actual formula.
Here's the formula I used:

1 lg. can evaporated milk (not Milnot)
2 tbsp. plain yogurt (not diet)
2 tbsp. mayonnaise (real)
1 tbs. Karo Syrup (light)
1 pkg. Knox gelatin
1 egg yolk (beaten)
1 cup of liquid unflavored Pedialyte

Mix milk, yogurt, mayonnaise and syrup together well.
Bring 1 cup water to boil and mix in Knox gelatin; set aside.
Mix egg yolk with small amount of milk mixture and beat well.
Add gelatin and water to milk mixture and beat well. Add in egg yolk mixture and beat well.
Pour into a freezer safe bowl or similar type of bowl with a cover and set in refrigerator.
We usually use Ice Cube Trays for our glop pudding. Pudding will last for two weeks covered in refrigerator.
Always warm pudding to room temperature (milk form) before feeding.
It is very rich in calcium, this pudding can be used as a supplement for kittens, sick cats and show cats to put on weight. Several Veterinarians have approved this recipe as being balanced and nutritious.

I was a bit anxious at first, but it really worked in the end. Our neighbors have him now and he's really active and healthy.
So yes, it's okay, but you can make the formula yourself.
its give your kitten milk specially made for cats but not to much he should be drinking water . soft food for a couple of weeks ,like mashed potato small pieces of cheese and minced meat later on when he can chew properly you can give him larger pieces of meat so he can use his teeth ..
dry cat food can be given later on with plenty of water,it would be to hard for his teeth at present

Just got a Grey Kitten?? Names?

My little girl kitten(somewhat of a calico) with lighter and darker shades of grey on the body, lil bit of orange on her face along with white and lighter grey. A small portion of the tip of her tail is white. She has striped dark and light grey legs. Blue eyes (do all kittens) and a Orange patch next to one of her gorgeous ears.
Please and thank you, No cali!!
Pumkin for the orange in her fur or autumn for the time of year she was born.

My other idea is Piper. Just because it came to mind when I thought of a fun little girl kitten.
Sophia i luv luv luv that name for a cat but i can't get a cat. U should name her Sophia
I named my gray cat "GRAY CAT" I'm not kidding :-)
Mina (mee-na)
Miss Demeanor
The last two are in case shes a little stinker- lol- ornery or really playful..
how about patches
i originally was gonna put oliver but you say its a girl so how about olivia
how about Charlie if its a boy I named my cat charlie and everyone thinks its really cute.
hey hey first all kittens are born with blue eyes, and why not smokey, or why not choose your fav. singer, actor etc for her name. i have a cat (a boy) i named him after dog, the bounty hunters son LELAND, its cute
smokey is cute, tiger.

you also can on google search. they have lots and lots of names for cats.
Your cat is grey maybe Grey-Grey or smokey is a really good choice too.
"Cat" Have you ever seen Breakfast at Tiffany's? Amazing movie, the cats name is cat. How cute!
When you said the "tip" of her tail is white, "Tipper" came to mind. Or since it's close to Halloween and she has a bit of orange you could call her "Punkin".
How about, Zena, Snickers, for Snicker's bar, Heidibug, Tiggy, Candy, Zuki or Polly.

If you wait long enough you will find your own name according to her personality. That's how we have done it.
cally or mittens
Patches, Nica, Juliette, Ava
Autumn would be a pretty name for her.
I have a grey long hair boy, and I named him Jordan. Yes after Michael Jordan. We were playing when he was just a tiny baby and he "attacked" me with his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he jumped into the air to pounce on me. I knew right then what his name was going to be. But I like one of the answers already given, Piper. Different and cute
grey ghost or just ghost, Zelda, Bella, Scrubs
I have a gray kitten.

I named her Gracey.
i named my new calico kitten merideth kate because of the meanings we all call her m.k really cute name and ALL calicos are girls soooooooooo

Just got a black kitten what should I call it?

stay for a week
Snowy. hehehe
coal, francis or tarquin
Spook I had a cat named spook
Demon, or George
ji g aboo
bruno!! my friend just got a dog and has called it OI!
ya know what
i;m sayin-or ykwis-maybe yakwis
Well, if it is a boy kitten, call him Penelope and if it is a girl kitten call her Roger. That way you reduce the likelihood of any surprising multiplication in cat numbers.
tabatha is good name, you didnt say witch sex it is!!
Mephistopheles or "Misty" for short
black cat, dog, sebastian, the lord of doom to name a few !
roxy, sefy
Same here! Black all over, with bright green eyes. My little boy has name him 'Boss', although i also like Buster, Rocky and T.C.Nothin to do with his colour!




New kitten aw lucky you = )
if he has white whiskers what about cobweb? i always wanted a cat called that!

Original and exotic little name for a cat. Nyan is basically a Japanese version of 'meow' apparently and ko means child. Basically meaning little cat, in a way.
All depends on if its a girl or a boy, my cat got hit by a car last week and sadly died. He was called Maxwell - is a top name for a top cat he he!
pepper or oreo

just got a 2month old male chow chow. any suggestion of a good name to call my new pet?

Rowdy if he's very active. I think that's a cute name.
deogee (dog!)

hehe. I always wanted to call a dog that!
Well, you put this in the CATS category. So first, let me tell you that a Chow Chow is a dog!

Hope you're not shocked.
happy boy
Is it male or female? Can you tell us what color he/she is?

Tootsie Roll would be a good name if he was brown.
Steve is another name of a dog that i would like to be seen.

Dogs have personalities and you need to kind of examine the personality and name it from that.

Do you have a favourite dish of Chinese food? Name him for it, like Moo Goo or something.
You didn't say what color he is!! Mouton, it's the name of a fur coat. Especially if he's brown! Duster, Butch, Tatonka (indian for buffalo) Bison, Mr Moto, Sparky, Bear, Sumo

as in they are hard to train independent and willful. but adorable.
Buck , killer,butch ,
A good strong manly name
yance. because little dogs like that are such an annoyance
Kuma ??
marbles - akumaru - baka